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In the present study we evaluated the effect of phenological stage at harvest and drying temperature on the content of secondary metabolites in six year old cultivatedclones of Rhodiola rosea. The experimental work was performed in cooperation between MTT in Finland and Bioforsk in Norway. In spite of the differences in growing season, we found similar development in biomassproduction and content of secondary metabolites in the two field experiments.During the period with intensive shoot growth the dry weight of the rootdecreased until budding / full flowering followed by an increase towards thelast harvest after wilting. The % dry matter followed the same development. The content of total rosavins in the dry rhizomes was highest at flowering at both sitesand the average content for spring was 24 % respectively 21% higher than inautumn in Finland and Norway (P=0,002). In Finland the average content of salidroside in spring of the dry rhizomewas 68 % higher than in autumn. While in Norway there were no differences insalidroside content at the different phenological stages (P = 0,097), lowvariation in the content of cinnamic alcohol at both sites was observed, but atendency to a small increase after flowering. The content of total rosavins was significantly higher at drying temperatures at or below 50˚C (P