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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Wood growth phenology of temperate deciduous trees is less studied than leaf phenology, hindering the understanding of their interaction. In order to describe the variability of wood growth and leaf phenology across locations, species and years, we performed phenological observations of both xylem formation and leaf development in three typical temperate forest areas in Western Europe (Northern Spain, Belgium and Southern Norway) for four common deciduous tree species (Fagus sylvatica L., Betula pendula Roth., Populus tremula L. and Quercus robur L.) in 2018, 2019 and 2020, with only beech and birch being studied in the final year. The earliest cambial reactivation in spring occurred at the Belgian stands while the end of cambial activity and wood growth cessation generally occurred first in Norway. Results did not show much consistency across species, sites or years and lacked general patterns, except for the end of cambial activity, which occurred generally first in birch. For all species, the site variation in phenophases (up to three months) was substantially larger than the inter-annual variability (up to six weeks). The timeline of bud-burst and cambium reactivation, as well as of foliar senescence and cessation of wood growth, were variable across species even with the same type of wood porosity. Our results suggest that wood growth and leaf phenology are less well connected than previously thought. Linear models showed that temperature is the dominant driver of wood growth phenology, but with climate zone also having an effect, especially at the start of the growing season. Drought conditions, on the other hand, have a larger effect on the timing of wood growth cessation. Our comprehensive analysis represents the first large regional assessment of wood growth phenology in common European deciduous tree species, providing not only new fundamental insights but also a unique dataset for future modelling applications.


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In March 2021, following the annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) ratification vote on newly proposed taxa, the phylum Negarnaviricota was amended and emended. The phylum was expanded by four families (Aliusviridae, Crepuscuviridae, Myriaviridae, and Natareviridae), three subfamilies (Alpharhabdovirinae, Betarhabdovirinae, and Gammarhabdovirinae), 42 genera, and 200 species. Thirty-nine species were renamed and/or moved and seven species were abolished. This article presents the updated taxonomy of Negarnaviricota as now accepted by the ICTV.

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Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is a valued, minor component on northeastern California landscapes. It provides a wide range of ecosystem services and has been in decline throughout the region for the last century. This decline may be explained partially by the lack of fire on the landscape due to heavier fire suppression, as aspen benefit from fire that eliminates conifer competition and stimulates reproduction through root suckering. However, there is little known about how aspen stand area changes in response to overlapping fire. Our study area in northeastern California on the Lassen, Modoc and Plumas National Forests has experienced recent large mixed-severity wildfires where aspen was present, providing an opportunity to study the re-introduction of fire. We observed two time periods; a 52-year absence of fire from 1941 to 1993 preceding a 24-year period of wildfire activity from 1993 to 2017. We utilized aerial photos and satellite imagery to delineate aspen stands and assess conifer cover percent. We chose aspen stands in areas where wildfires overlapped (twice-burned), where only a single wildfire burned, and areas that did not burn within the recent 24-year period. We observed these same stands within the first period of fire exclusion for comparison (i.e., 1941–1993). In the absence of fire, all aspen stand areas declined and all stands experienced increases in conifer composition. After wildfire, stands that burned experienced a release from conifer competition and increased in stand area. Stands that burned twice or at high severity experienced a larger removal of conifer competition than stands that burned once at low severity, promoting expansion of aspen stand area. Stands with less edge:area ratio also expanded in area more with fire present. Across both time periods, stand movement, where aspen stand footprints were mostly in new areas compared to footprints of previous years, was highest in smaller stands. In the fire exclusion period, smaller stands exhibited greater loss of area and changes in location (movement) than in the return of fire period, highlighting their vulnerability to loss via succession to conifers in the absence of disturbances that provide adequate growing space for aspen over time.

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Simple Summary: Many techniques exist to quantify enteric methane (CH4) emissions from dairy cows. Since measurement on the entire national cow populations is not possible, it is necessary to use estimates for national inventory reporting. This study aimed to develop (1) a basic equation of enteric CH4 emissions from individual animals based on feed intake and nutrient contents of the diet, and (2) to update the operational way of calculation used in the Norwegian National Inventory Report based on milk yield and concentrate share of the diet. An international database containing recently published data was used for this updating process. By this the accuracy of the CH4 production estimates included in the national inventory was improved. Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop a basic model to predict enteric methane emission from dairy cows and to update operational calculations for the national inventory in Norway. Development of basic models utilized information that is available only from feeding experiments. Basic models were developed using a database with 63 treatment means from 19 studies and were evaluated against an external database (n = 36, from 10 studies) along with other extant models. In total, the basic model database included 99 treatment means from 29 studies with records for enteric CH4 production (MJ/day), dry matter intake (DMI) and dietary nutrient composition. When evaluated by low root mean square prediction errors and high concordance correlation coefficients, the developed basic models that included DMI, dietary concentrations of fatty acids and neutral detergent fiber performed slightly better in predicting CH4 emissions than extant models. In order to propose country-specific values for the CH4 conversion factor Ym (% of gross energy intake partitioned into CH4 ) and thus to be able to carry out the national inventory for Norway, the existing operational model was updated for the prediction of Ym over a wide range of feeding situations. A simulated operational database containing CH4 production (predicted by the basic model), feed intake and composition, Ym and gross energy intake (GEI), in addition to the predictor variables energy corrected milk yield and dietary concentrate share were used to develop an operational model. Input values of Ym were updated based on the results from the basic models. The predicted Ym ranged from 6.22 to 6.72%. In conclusion, the prediction accuracy of CH4 production from dairy cows was improved with the help of newly published data, which enabled an update of the operational model for calculating the national inventory of CH4 in Norway.


Future weather patterns are expected to result in increased precipitation and temperature, in Northern Europe. These changes can potentially cause an increase in plant disease and insect pests which will alter agricultural practice amongst other things the used crop types and application patterns of pesticides. We use a Bayesian network to explore a probabilistic risk assessment approach to better account for variabilities and magnitudes of pesticide exposure to the aquatic ecosystem. As Bayesian networks link selected input and output variables from various models and other information sources, they can serve as meta-models. In this study, we are using a pesticide fate and transport models (e.g. WISPE) with specific environmental factors such as soil and site parameters together with chemical properties and climate scenarios that are linked to a representative Norwegian study area. The derived exposure of pesticide of the study area is integrated in the Bayesian network model to estimate the risk to the aquatic ecosystem also integrating an effect distribution derived from toxicity test. This Bayesian network model will allow to incorporate climate predictions into ecological risk assessment.