Division of Environment and Natural Resources
End: dec 2023
Start: jul 2020
Integrated management of important turfgrass diseases and insect pests on European golf courses (IPM-GOLF)
Project participants
Karin Juul Hesselsøe Erik Lysøe Anne Friederike Borchert Trygve Serck-Hanssen Trond Olav Pettersen Kristine Sundsdal Victoria Stornes Moen Monica Skogen Christian Spring, Sports Turf Research Institute, UK Martin Nilsson, Københavns Golf Club, Denmark Wolfgang Prämaßing, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany Axel Städler, Golf Course Osnabrueck, Germany Karin Normann, Asbjørn Nyholt ApS, Denmark Marina Usoltseva, Botaniska Analysgruppen, Sweden Kate Entwistle, The Turf Disease Centre, UK Sabine Braitmaier, ProSementis GmbH, Germany Carlos Guerrero, University of Algarve, Portugal Tatiana Gagkaeva, VIZR - All-Russian institute of plant protection, Russia Yuri Lebedin and Anna Antropova, XEMA, Finland Ingeborg Menzler Hokkanen and Heikki Hokkanen, University of Eastern Finland

Start - end date | 01.07.2020 - 31.12.2023 |
Project manager | Tatsiana Espevig |
Division | Division of Environment and Natural Resources |
Department | Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology |
Partners | STRI (UK), Københavns Golf Club (DK), University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück (DE), Golf Course Osnabrueck (DE), Asbjørn Nyholt ApS (DK), Botaniska Analysgruppen (SE), The Turf Disease Centre (UK), University of Algarve (PRT), VIZR (RU), University of Eastern Finland |
Total budget | 4 514 600 SEK |
Funding source | STERF, R&A, Netherlands Golf Federation, German Golf Association, Botaniska Analysgruppen, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, ICL, Syngenta, Suståne and Aqua-Yield. |
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) refers to the integration of all available techniques for control of diseases, harmful insects and weeds that discourage the development of pest populations and keep the use of pesticides to levels that are economically justified and environmentally sustainable (FAO, 2016).

The overall objective of IPM-GOLF is to investigate cultural practices and new technologies for prevention and control of the two most important turfgrass diseases on golf course putting greens and insect pests on golf courses with a minimum use of pesticides. Thus, the objectives of the project are:
- To investigate the effect of cultural approaches such as rolling (microdochium patch only), UV-C radiation and alternative products against microdochium patch and dollar spot (WP1 and WP2);
- To identify the fungal species causing dollar spot in Northern and Central Europe and investigate immonoassay for identification of Clarireedia spp. and Microdochium nivale in plant tissue and Clarireedia spp. in commercial seeds (WP2);
- To compile a review of the management and potential innovation options of monitoring, warning and control of chafer grubs and leatherjackets on golf courses (WP3);
To provide technology transfer to the golf course industry, to disseminate the results from the project through popular and scientific publications, videos and fact sheets. To participate in international seminars and meetings, which will provide exchange of knowledge and experience among scientists, superintendents, industry, turfgrass agronomists and consultants.
Publications in the project
Karin Juul Hesselsøe Tatsiana Espevig Erik Lysøe Christian Spring Marina Usoltseva Ingeborg Menzler-HokkanenAbstract
Denne rapporten oppsummerer foreløpige resultater fra 2020 i IPM-Golf-prosjektet "Ingergrated Management of Important Turfgrass Diseases and Insect Pests on European Golf-Courses" Feltforsøk på Microdochium flekk ble utført i Landvik, Norge og Bingley, Storbritannia. På Landvik viste resultatene at rulling ved lav N og sitronsyre, tilført fra aug.-okt. kan redusere Microdochium flekk til en viss grad blant de ikke-kjemiske behandlingene. Høy N resulterte i mer Mikrodochium flekk, men mindre antraknose. På Bingley viste resultatene at behandlingene som inneholder jernsulfat spesielt høyt jern, lyktes med å kontrollere sykdommen, men effekten varte ikke gjennom vinteren. Feltforsøkene ved Kjøpenhavns Golf Club viste at rulling to ganger i uken forbedret kvaliteten på greens gjennom vekstsesongen og at reduksjon av Microdochium flekk ble oppnådd ved å rulle fra august til desember. Feltforsøkene med UV-C-stråling ved Osnabrück Golf Club viste at denne metoden kunne kontrollere, men ikke bekjempe fullstendig dollar spot. Litteraturgjennomgangen om myrstankelbein og hageoldenborre viste at problemene varierer sterkt mellom år og de ulike landene.
I feltforsøk med lett rulling av en rødsvingeldominert golfgreen ved Københavns golfklubb i 2020 og 2021 ble effekten på Microdochiumflekk studert. Greenen ble rullet to eller fire ganger i uka i tre eller fem måneder fram til november hvert år. Det var ikke noe soppangrep i 2021, men resultatene fra 2020 viste at rulling hadde statistisk sikker effekt og reduserte mikrodochiumflekk fra 5% på ubehandlet til 2,0 og 2,3 % der det var rullet henholdsvis to eller fire ganger i uka. Grønnfarge og visuelt helhetsinntrykk ble også påvirket av rulling. Helhetsinntrykket ble forbedret av rulling. Grønnfargen om høsten var best for ubehandlede ruter i 2020, men det var ingen forskjeller i 2021. Forsøket antyder at lett rulling to ganger i uka fra august til november kan redusere angrep av mikrodochiumflekk på rødsvingeldominerte greener i Skandinavia.
Chafer grubs and leatherjackets can cause severe damages to Scandinavian Golf Courses – mainly in the southern areas. Damages from chafer grubs are occasional, damages from leatherjackets tend to be increasing. Restrictions on insecticides have necessitated the use of alternative control methods. Many experiments with microbiological agents like entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and strains of Bacillus thuringiensis have been conducted, but monitoring and warning, and methods for application, spraying equipment and technique, formulation of and effective species of microbiological agents must be improved. Good communication with the golfers is essential, as more damages from insect pests will occur now and in the future, and alternative methods are often more expensive and less effective than the synthetic insecticides. Course managers and greenkeepers have to become experts in the use of microbiological control.
Tatsiana Espevig Karin Juul Hesselsøe Erik Lysøe Trygve Serck-Hanssen Christian Spring Martin Nilsson Wolfgang Prämaßing Axel Städler Karin Normann Marina Usoltseva Kate Entwistle Carlos Guerrero Tatiana Gagkaeva Yuri Lebedin Ingeborg Menzler Hokkanen,Abstract
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