Soil and Land use
Understanding water pathways and soil processes that lead to particle and nutrient transport is the focus of the department.
The overarching goal is to contribute to the reduction of negative environmental effects through development of measures and sustainable land use. The department’s core competence is to increase the understanding of processes leading to erosion and nutrient losses, both under current and future climate.
Central activities are:
- We develop and document measures against flooding, erosion and nutrient losses.
- The JOVA-program is a central activity in the department, where effects of agricultural practices on water quality is monitored and documented.
- We develop and use models, both for research and extension services.
- Research and support on hydro-technical solutions, such as drainage and retention dams.
- Running the soil-physical laboratory.
- Estimate the soil-erosion risk for Norway, as part of the incentive for implementing measures.
- The department has a broad cooperation with agricultural and environmental agencies, among others through the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
- We are (and have been) part of several EU and EEA-funded projects, and initiate new initiatives to extend our international cooperation through several sources (EEA, InterReg, Horizon2020, COST-Action etc.).