Landvik is the southernmost of NIBIO’s 15 research locations - and the only one located within the nemoral vegetation zone, to which Denmark and Skåne in Sweden also belong. This gives a growing season from April to November, making it possible to grow crops that require long growing season and/or high temperatures.
Sports gras research
A wide range of research activities on sports grasses (for lawns, wildflower meadows, football fields, golf courses etc.) have been established at Landvik. The major part of this activity is connected with grass for golf courses. ‘NIBIO Turfgrass Research Group’ provides consultancy services to the staff at football stadiums, golf courses, park authorities etc.
Important research topics are grass for Nordic climate and sustainable use of nutrients, water and pesticides. Turfgrass winter survival also has a high priority, and we run a laboratory for diagnostics of turfgrass diseases. Many of our projects focus on grass for golf courses because the golfers invest some of their club membership fees into a Nordic research foundation: STERF.
Vegetables and early potatoes
Research topics include growing techniques, cultivation systems, fertilization, protein crops, product quality, biochemicals and testing new vegetables crops for Norway.
Seed production
At Landvik, most of the Norwegian seed production and related research are performed for grass for forage as well as wild grasses and herbs. We have perennial fields for multiplication of (collected) site-specific seeds of gras and wild flowers meant for restoration of mountain and low land areas for different regions in Norway. NIBIO Landvik is an approved seed supplier, delivering special mixtures of indigenous grass seed originating from the Norwegian mountainous regions. Grass and herb seed for wildflower meadows is also produced, designated for revegetation in lowland areas. A special store exists for such seeds.
Besides smaller machines for the cleansing of seed from field trials, Landvik also has larger specialist machinery for cleaning seed lots of up to 4-5 tons and can carry out smaller cleaning jobs for others.
Lab activity
Landvik has its own seed laboratory in which purity and germination tests are performed. The facility also houses Norway’s leading laboratory for diagnosing diseases on sports grass/turf field.
Aquaponic research pilot
NIBIO Landvik has Aquaponics research facility, comprising a closed system for production of freshwater fish and vegetables (established 2013).
High bush blueberries
NIBIO’s research on high bush blueberries has been performed at Landvik. Growing system trials are performed, including variety trials, fertilizer trials and pruning trials. The trial area consisted of several hundred bushes.
Plant genetic resources
National plant collections of native clones of traditional (old) vegetable crops and native varieties/clones of berries have been established at Landvik, and these are maintained by the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre. The collections are under continuous extension.
Development and production of field trial technical equipment
Landvik has competency for the development and production of specialized field trial equipment suited to various requirements and supplies such services both within and outside NIBIO. This also includes upgrading and modification of existing equipment.
Networks and cooperation partners
The company ‘Grønn Vekst AS’ is Norway’s leading actor in the end-handling of organic waste for compost. The company and has established a separate site at Landvik with its own administration and production buildings.
Landvik is a member of «Agder forskningsforum» which comprises research institutes throughout the region, such as NIVA, Teknova, Agderforskning, Havforskningsinstituttet og Universitetet i Agder. Further project cooperation with various commercial ventures is undertaken, financed by Norway’s Research Council, Regional Research Fund, Innovation Norway and County Government Authorities. For amenity grass, the Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation is the most important cooperation partner. Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service for Agder has its office at Landvik