Physical properties of wood

Foto: T. Ekström
Wood-water interactions
The interaction of wood with water from the surroundings has a critical effect on the wood material properties. We have several climate chambers to condition wood samples at different climatic conditions, and analytical instruments to determine the water sorption dynamics and the states of water within the confined wood structure.
- Climate chambers in different sizes
- Automated sorption balance (proUmid Vsorp)
- Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (Bruker mq20-Minispec)
Mechanical properties
The behaviour of wood products under load is critical for their use in the built environment. We have the possibility for standardized measurements of mechanical properties under (quasi-) static load. We also analyse the viscoelastic behavior of wood and other material under different time, temperature, and humidity environments.
- Universal testing machine available at the NMBU facilities
- Dynamic mechanical analyzer (Netzsch DMA 242E) operating at different temperature and humidity conditions.
Wood surface characterization
The surface properties of wood are important for the performance of adhesive and coating systems. We apply different methods to analyze the surface quality of wood products and the performance of adhesives and coatings applied to wood.
- Contact angle measurement based on the sessile drop method
- Measurement of surface roughness, colour and gloss
- Determination of coating thickness, resistance and adhesion strength

