Timber species in Norway
Wood properties, influenced by type, structure, environment, and history, are divided into physical-mechanical, biological, and chemical categories. These properties vary significantly in raw timber compared to engineered wood products and differ within a trunk and by location. Wood is heterogeneous and anisotropic, with varying cell types and chemical compositions.
This guide covers the relevant properties of Norwegian timber.
The properties of wood are divided into physical-mechanical, biological, and chemical characteristics. These properties are influenced by the type of wood, its structural composition, environmental conditions, and history. Moreover, the properties of raw timber exhibit considerably more variability than those of engineered wood products, such as chipboards and other wood panels. These properties can vary significantly within a single trunk and based on geographical location.
Additionally, wood is not a homogeneous material in structural or chemical terms but is instead described as heterogeneous and anisotropic. It consists of different cell types and behaves differently in radial, tangential, or axial directions. Depending on the type of wood species, the chemical construction of wood also varies, and the composition of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin can differ. Beyond that, other chemical elements present in the wood can influence its properties.
Here, we aim to provide information about timber in Norway and the various properties relevant to all those who utilise wood.