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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Extended summary and conclusions The Pechenganikel combine in the Nikel-Zapolyarny area was established in 1933. During the first 30 years of production, 100 000 tons of sulphur dioxide (SO2) were emitted annually. Since 1971, nickel from the Norilsk ores in Siberia have been processed in the smelters. The Norilsk ore contains more sulphur than the Nikel ore. As a result of the processing of this sulphur-rich ore, emissions of SO2 increased rapidly, reaching 400 000 tons in 1979. Current annual emissions are much lower, about 150 000 tons. However, the present emission is still above the critical level for sensitive biota in the Nikel-Pasvik area. Investigations of soils show that the soil layers are contaminated by heavy metals (nickel and copper). The results also indicate an influence on soil fertility expressed as changes in base saturation (BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil acidity. According to the calculations (critical loads) future sulphur deposition has to be reduced to very low levels in order to stop the ongoing soil acidification. Air pollution influence has had severe effects on forest vegetation in the Nikel-Pasvik area. Trees, vascular plants, mosses and lichens are all affected. In the close vicinity of the smelters forests are dead or severely damaged. Visible injuries to vegetation caused by SO2 have some years been frequent. Symptoms are recognised on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and downy birch (Betula pubescens), which are the dominant tree species in the region, and on other plants, e.g. dwarf birch (Betula nana) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). The species composition of the ground vegetation in the forest has been influenced, and epiphytic lichen vegetation has been severely influenced over large areas. Critical levels are exceeded on more than 3200 square kilometres of Russian and Norwegian territory. Air pollution has reduced invertebrate and animal diversity due to lack of forest vegetation and contamination of surface soils in the vicinity of the nickel smelters. Small vertebrates are impacted by an increased heavy metal content in the liver. However, no negative health effects to reindeer are foreseen. Long-term monitoring of water chemistry in lakes and rivers has revealed that extensive surface water acidification has taken place, particularly on the Norwegian side of the border. Critical loads are exceeded in large areas of Sør-Varanger municipality, especially in the Jarfjord area, and in areas situated around Nikel and Zapolyarny. However, on the Russian side, the contamination of lakes by the heavy metals (nickel and copper) is more severe than acidification, especially in the vicinity of the smelters, where damage to fish populations as well as phytoplankton and invertebrate communities are observed. Studies of human health in the Nikel-Pasvik area revealed no major health effects that can be ascribed to the air pollution by nickel and sulphur dioxide in the Nikel-Zapolyarny area or in the Pasvik valley. The most severe effects of air pollution in the border areas between Norway and Russia, caused by sulphur dioxide emission from Nikel and Zapolyarny, on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems seem to be on vegetation, surface water and soils, and thus also on other compartments of the ecosystem.


Årleg turrstoffproduksjon vart estimert frå åtte år gamle epletre med sortane "Fuji", "Royal Gala" og "Braeburn" poda på grunnstamma M9 og forma som slank spindel. Både frisk- og turrstoffproduksjon auka liniært med mengda av ljos som vart oppfanga i trea. Denne samanhengen tilsvarar ei avling på 16.9 tonn pr. daa med ei ljosoppfanging på 90 %. Energien som vart omdanna frå ljos i vekstsesongen til turrstoff i New Zealand var tilsvarande som i England. Skilnaden mellom desse to landa er at New Zealand har ein lengre vekstsesong og høgare innstråling. Turrstoffproduksjonen var fordelt til frukt, treaktig vev og blad med ei fordeling til frukt på 74, 72 og 63% for dei tre sortane "Braeburn", "Fuji" og "Royal Gala".


Application of 100 mM methyl jasmonate (MJ) to the intact bark of 30-yr-old Norway spruce induced anatomical reactions related to defense. Within 30 d, a single MJ treatment induced swelling of existing polyphenolic parenchyma cells (PP cells) and an increase in their phenolic contents and the formation of additional PP cells and of traumatic resin ducts (TDs) at the cambial zone. These changes occurred up to 7 cm away from the application zone.Treatment enhanced resin flow and increased resistance to the blue-stain fungus, Ceratocystis polonica. Methyl jasmonate application to the oldest internode of 2-yr-old saplings also induced TD formation and, more surprisingly, TDs were formed in the untreated internode. Traumatic ducts were not formed in branches, ruling out an effect of volatile MJ on the upper internode. Methyl jasmonate application never gave rise to a hypersensitive response, cell death, tissue necrosis, or wound periderm, indicating the amount of MJ transported across the periderm was very low relative to the application concentration.This is the first report of a single compound giving rise to major cellular features related to acquired resistance and previously shown to be induced by wounding, fungal infection, and bark beetles in Norway spruce.


Several studies conclude that sun-exposed habitats with sufficient supply of dead wood are essential for many saproxylic and mycetophagous beetle species in forests. This has induced Scandinavian foresters to leave artificial tall stumps on clear-cuts in spruce forests.In the present study of Norway spruce forest, habitat preferences during flight were studied for saproxylic and mycetophagous beetles recorded as sporocarp-visitors of Fomitopsis pinicola and Fomes fomentarius, using 690 randomly placed window traps in 69 sites covering three forest types: clear-cuts, young and oldgrowth stands.Many of the sporocarp-visitors showed a strong preference for oldgrowth forest, avoiding clear-cuts and young replantations. By stepwise linear multiple regression, presence of canopy cover appeared as a major factor while variables associated with sporocarps and dead wood were most often secondary in importance. The results indicate that sufficient canopy cover is important for many sporocarp-visiting beetles in Norway spruce forests