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The root-rot causing fungus Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato is the most devastating pathogen of conifers in Europe. This pathogen enters Norway spruce through the roots and can colonize the tree from within, growing as a saprophyte when established within the dead heartwood and acting as a necrotroph when in contact with living host tissue. Despite the high incidence of damage, trees have defences against this pathogen in the bark and living wood. Furthermore, spruce has a defense against internal attack by forming a reaction zone, in this case the host defense is directed inwardly by the still living sapwood toward the central colonized heartwood. We have studied the host responses to infection in Norway spruce clones at the transcriptional level and found that the speed of recognition and that spatial defense signalling appears to be the hallmarks of trees with high degree of resistance...

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This paper discusses the monitoring network for diffuse pollution from agriculture in Estonia in the context of implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nitrate Directive (ND). Seven surface water monitoring stations in agricultural catchments represent two out of three river basin districts designated in Estonia according to the WFD criteria. The national monitoring programme of ground water quality involves 516 stations of which about half were monitored in 2005. The monitoring sites cover all main ground water bodies in Estonia but are largely concentrated in the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). Analyses did not reveal any significant trends in total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in studied rivers during the last 15 years except in one site. The ground water quality stabilised after decrease of nitrate concentrations in the early 1990s, especially in the south part of the NVZ, but even in 2005 the nitrate concentration exceeded 50 mg l1 in 42 out of 145 ground water samples in this region. The existing surface water quality monitoring network provides only restricted information to select between different management options when implementing action programmes for the NVZ and the river basin management plans (RBMP) under the WFD.

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The goal of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the impact of different physical work station designs, expressed in two different brands of forest vehicles, on the muscle activity patterns in the neck and upper extremities among the vehicle operators. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was continuously recorded bilaterally on the trapezius (TM) and the extensor digitorum muscles (EDM) during one working day among operators driving Timberjack and Valmet vehicles, either as harvesters (n = 7 and 6, respectively) or forwarders (n = 9 and 9, respectively). Both the construction of the crane in relation to the chassis and the design of the control levers vary between the Tim-berjack and Valmet vehicles, which demand different ergonomic performance by the operators. The operators mostly handle control levers in the harvesters or forwarders, the latter with a more varied work load, in a fixed, seated working posture in the cabin for long hours with little rest. The sustained low- level muscle activity was quantified by periods with muscle activity above 0.5 percent EMGmax into 10 predetermined duration intervals from 1.6 to 5 s up to above 20 min (SULMA periods). These SULMA periods were analyzed both for number in the different intervals and cumulated periods above the predefined values. Amplitude and frequency parameters were analyzed and the number and total duration of muscle rest periods were calculated. The operators driving Valmet harvesters had a significantly higher number of long cumulated SULMA periods above 10 min in the left TM, and showed a higher level of static muscle activity and less total duration of muscle rest in TM bilaterally. The operators driving Timberjack forwarders had a significantly higher number of SULMA periods between 10 and 20 min in the right TM. No difference was found between the operators in the EDM activity pattern. The results of our study showed that operators driving Valmet harvesters had more sustained low-level activity in the neck than those driving Timberjack, including a higher number of long cumulated SULMA periods, higher static level, and less muscle rest. Despite a small sample, the results in muscle activity pattern raise the question of needs for improvements of the forest vehicle workstation design.


In Norway, exterior wood structures have traditionally, nearly exclusively been made of untreated Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and pressure treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In recent years there has been a tendency that other wood species, like various Norwegian hardwoods or imported species, have been used in exterior above ground applications, often not surface treated. For several wood species, especially hardwoods, information regarding the durability in use class 3 is limited. Most information given in EN 350 part 2 is based on testing of the heartwood in ground contact. The test procedures for above ground test prescribed in European standards, both laboratory and field tests, have some weaknesses regarding natural durability testing. Hence, some new methods for accelerated above ground testing have been put forward. The main objectives of this project are to evaluate natural durability of Norwegian and some imported wood species for above ground applications, and to study various methods for assessing decay in wood. The project material and methods used in the project, and the results from double layer tests after one year of exposure has earlier been described, Flæte et al. (2006). This paper presents the results of the weight and MOE loss in small samples after about 3 years exposure above ground.

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Three unsprayed coffee farms (farm 1, 2 and 3) were studied for the natural occurrence of the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana in Hypothenemus hampei populations throughout the rainy season of 2004 (July-November) and 2005 (July-December). B. bassiana infections were found during most sampling dates in both years, on all three farms. The B. bassiana infection levels were higher in 2005 than in 2004 with mean prevalence of 12.1 % and 2.7%, respectively. No consistent significant differences in infection level between farms were found in any of the years. B. bassiana infection levels fluctuated widely throughout the season, and peaked at 13.5% on farm 3 in 2004 and at 44.0% on farm 1 in 2005. The H. hampei population was significantly higher in 2004 than in 2005, with 6.9% of the berries infested in 2004 and only 0.7% in 2005. In both years, the H. hampei infestation level was significantly higher on farm 2. No consistent significant differences in H. hampei infestation levels were found between sampling dates on any of the farms. H. hampei infestation levels fluctuated throughout both seasons, and peaked at 15.3% on farm 2 in 2004 and 2.2% on farm 2 in 2005. No consistent density dependent correlation between H. hampei infestation level and B. bassiana infection level was found. Correlations between climatic conditions and R bassiana or H. hampei were not found. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Wood from different tree species is commonly similar in visual appearance but still have considerable differences in machining and wood properties. Even heartwood and sapwood from the same tree species may be difficult to separate visually, but the wood properties important for the quality of the final products may differ. Hence, within the forest products industry there is a great need to non-destructively evaluate wood quality prior to and during manufacturing in order to ensure effective allocation of raw material, and to obtain consistent and well defined quality of the end products. Near infrared spectroscopy is a promising technique because it requires minimal, if any, sample preparation and provides results rapidly, even when used on intact, opaque biological samples. In this paper we use near infrared spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical analyses for classification of wood types. Case I considers heartwood and sapwood from Scots pine. On freshly cut wood heartwood and sapwood are visually similar, but the wood properties differ. Case II considers wood from tree different species of spruce, Norway spruce, Sitka spruce and Lutz spruce. The species have differences mechanical and machining properties. NIR spectra were recorded directly on solid wood surfaces. The multivariate statistical analyses were based on partial least squares methodology and resulted in successful classification of wood types in both cases. All models were validated using test set validation. In both cases the result showed that near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate statistics can be used to develop well-performing prediction models for classification of visually similar wood types.