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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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The aim of this study was to use energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to localize chitosan in the cell wall of chitosan-impregnated Scots pine. It was of interest to investigate the concentration of chitosan in wood to gain further knowledge and understanding of the distribution of chitosan in the wooden matrix. After deacetylation, chitosan was re-acetylated with chloroacetic anhydride to achieve a covalent bonding of chloride to the chitosan polymer. Chloride-labelled chitosan was measured by EDX using a scanning electron microscope and described as chloride intensity. Analysis of free chloride anions was performed by dialysis and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. There was a significant correlation between the molecular weight of chitosan and the intensity of covalentbonded chloride to the chitosan polymer. High molecular weight chitosan showed a better interaction with the cell wall structure than low molecular chitosan.

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In Norway spruce, the temperature during zygotic embryogenesis appears to adjust an adaptive epigenetic memory in the progeny that may regulate bud phenology and cold acclimation. Conditions colder than normal advance the timing whilst temperatures above normal delay the onset of these processes and altered performance is long lasting in progeny with identical genetic background. As a step toward unraveling the molecular mechanism behind an epigenetic memory, transcriptional analysis was performed on seedlings from seeds of six full-sib families produced at different embryogenesis temperature?cold (CE) vs warm (WE) under long and short day conditions. We prepared two suppressive subtractedcDNAlibraries, forward and reverse, representing genes predominantly expressed in plants from seeds obtained after CE and WE embryogenesis following short day treatment (inducing bud set). Sequencing and annotation revealed considerable differences in the transcriptome of WE versus CE originated plants. By using qRT-PCR we studied the expression patterns of 32 selected candidate genes chosen from subtractive cDNA libraries analysis and nine siRNA pathways genes by a direct candidate approach. Eight genes, two transposons related genes, three with no match to Databases sequences and three genes from siRNA pathways (PaDCL1 and 2, PaSGS3) showed differential expression in progeny from CE andWEcorrelated with the family phenotypic differences. These findingsmaycontribute to our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying adaptive changes acquired during embryogenesis.