NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Ngan Bao HuynhAbstract
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D. Shanthana Lakshmi Lakshmipriya Ravindran P. J. Maida Mary G. Rathika M.S. Sreekala Shanmugam MunisamyAbstract
Shrimp and crab shells are the most promising and viable source of raw material for the manufacturing of chitin and its derivatives. In-depth understanding of the biological properties of chitin and scientific advancements in the field of nanotechnology have enabled the development of high-performance chitin nanomaterials. Nanoscale chitin is of great economic value as a functional and reinforcement material for a wide range of applications including water purification. The use of nano-chitin to produce (bio) nanocomposites offers a good opportunity to prepare membrane materials with enhanced functional and structural properties. Chitosan-based membranes are found to be effective in water purification for the removal of pollutants like organic wastes, heavy metals, antibiotics, pathogenic microbes and acid waste. These membranes are environmentally friendly and can be used as a method to reduce humic acid waste from the aquatic environment. This review focuses on the preparation, characterization and chemical modification of nano chitin membrane and its application for water purification and water treatment.
Abirami Ramu GanesanAbstract
Horticultural food waste can be recovered to produce high-value products. Appropriate green solvents and a selection of cleaner production could unlock waste into useful resources for human health. This will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and CO2 production, and create economic opportunities to contribute to food security.
Rosaria Arena Giuseppe Renda Giovanna Ottaviani Aalmo Frédéric Debeaufort Concetta Maria Messina Andrea SantulliAbstract
The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), originally from the western Atlantic Ocean, has recently spread to the Mediterranean and is now considered one of the one hundred most invasive species in that region. This opportunistic species, known for its adaptability to different temperatures and salinities, negatively impacts biodiversity and human activities such as fishing and tourism in the Mediterranean. However, the blue crab is gaining interest as a potential food resource due to its high nutritional value and delicate, sweet flavor. Its meat is rich in protein (14% to 30%), omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and other essential nutrients beneficial for human health such as vitamins, and minerals. Utilizing this species in the production of new foods could help mitigate the negative impact of its invasiveness and offer economic opportunities. One challenge with this potential resource is the generation of waste. Approximately 6–8 million tonnes of crab shells are produced worldwide each year, leading to disposal problems and concerns regarding environmental sustainability. To improve economic and environmental sustainability, there is a need to valorize these residues, which are an important source of proteins, lipids, chitin, minerals, and pigments that can be processed into high-value-added products. However, especially in areas with industrial pollution, attention should be paid to the heavy metal (Cd and As) contents of blue crab shells. Studies suggest that blue crab by-products can be used in various sectors, reducing environmental impacts, promoting a circular economy, and creating new industrial opportunities.
Larisa Garkava-Gustavsson Marina Kuzmenkova Matis Moks Jorunn Børve Dalphy Ondine Camira Harteveld Oksana Korniienko Jonas Skytte av SatraAbstract
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Isabella BørjaAbstract
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Marianne Stenrød Esther Bloem Nana Yaa Boahene Tor Fredrik Holth Tim Hofer Mette Helen Bjørge Müller Elise Rundén-Pran Christian VogelsangAbstract
Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) har oppdatert et metodedokument for helse og miljørisikovurderinger av plantevernmidler. Målet med oppdateringen er å gjenspeile gjeldende regelverk og praksis, og sikre kvaliteten på fremtidige risikovurderinger utført av faggruppen for plantevernmidler i VKM. Det forrige metodedokumentet er fra 2012, og oppdateringen var nødvendig for å tilpasse metodene til nytt EU-regelverk for plantevernmidler, og for å innarbeide nye datakrav og retningslinjer for plantevernmidler og biocider. Ved å oppdatere metodedokumentet, ønsket faggruppen å sikre at risikovurderingene de leverer er i tråd med gjeldende regelverket og vitenskapelig kunnskap. Viktige endringer Dokumentet er oppdatert med henvisninger til nye forskrifter og veiledninger, om for eksempel biocider, nye typer plantevernmidler, og forenklet godkjenning/risikovurdering for mikrobielle stoffer. Det nye dokumentet inneholder også veiledning om fareidentifikasjon av stoffer med hormonforstyrrende egenskaper, alternative metoder for å redusere toksikologisk testing hos dyr, og vurdering av ikke-kostholdeksponering av plantevernmidler. Dokumentet inneholder oppdatert informasjon om metodikk knyttet til vurdering av plantevernmidlers egenskaper og skjebne i miljøet, inkludert norske jord- og klimaforhold, renseanlegg og drikkevannsrenseprosesser. Veiledning om risikovurdering for bier og andre insekter, akvatiske organismer, fugler, pattedyr og andre vertebrater, samt meitemark og andre jordlevende organismer, er også oppdatert. Innen flere av feltene er eller vil det bli etablert spesifikke beskyttelsesmål og trinnvise risikovurderinger. Samlet sett fungerer det oppdaterte metodedokumentet som en referanse for VKMs risikovurderingsarbeid for plantevernmidler, og sikrer at fremtidige vurderinger gjennomføres i samsvar med gjeldende regelverk og vitenskapelig kunnskap. Metode VKM har benyttet en semi-systematisk tilnærming, ved å utarbeide et arbeidsdokument for innhenting og sammenstilling av nødvendig informasjon om nye datakrav fra gjeldende regelverk for plantevernmidler og biocider i EU. Dokumentet er godkjent av VKMs faggruppe for plantevernmidler.
Mari Talgø Syvertsen Payel Bhattacharjee Igor A. Yakovlev Torstein Tengs Kaia Slågedal Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi Marcos Viejo Carl Gunnar Fossdal Jorunn Elisabeth OlsenAbstract
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Mari Talgø Syvertsen Payel Bhattacharjee Igor A. Yakovlev Torstein Tengs Kaia Slågedal Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi Marcos Viejo Carl Gunnar Fossdal Jorunn Elisabeth OlsenAbstract
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