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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Four species of the destructive forest pathogen Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato (s.l.) are present in Europe: H. annosum sensu stricto (s.s.), H. abietinum and H. parviporum are native species, while H. irregulare is a non‐native invasive species currently reported only in Italy, yet recommended for regulation throughout Europe. In this study, real‐time PCR detection tests were developed for each of the four species, which can be used simultaneously or individually thanks to probes labelled with species‐specific fluorescent dyes. The different performance criteria of each assay were evaluated, and it was determined that they were theoretically capable of detecting amounts of DNA corresponding to 311, 29 and 29 cell nuclei in H. annosum s.s., H. irregulare and H. parviporum, respectively. The specificity of each assay was assessed with a wide set of strains. Real‐time PCR tests successfully detected Heterobasidion species from 36 fruiting bodies taken from the forest, as well as from artificially inoculated or naturally infected wood samples. The multiplex real‐time PCR assays developed in this study could have practical applications both in forest management and in phytosanitary monitoring.

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The vesicle trafficking inhibitor Brefeldin A (BFA) changes the localization of plasma membrane localized PINs, proteins that function as polar auxin efflux carriers, by inducing their accumulation within cells. Pretreatment with the synthetic auxin 1-NAA reduces this BFA-induced PIN internalization, suggesting that auxinic compounds inhibit the endocytosis of PIN proteins. However, the most important natural auxin, IAA, did not substantially inhibit PIN internalization unless a supplementary antioxidant, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), was also included in the incubation medium. We asked whether the relatively small inhibition caused by IAA alone could be explained by its instability in the incubation solution or whether IAA might interact with BHT to inhibit endocytosis. Analysis of the IAA concentration in the incubation solution and of DR5 reporter activity in the roots showed that IAA is both stable and active in the medium. Therefore, IAA degradation was not able to explain the inability of IAA to inhibit endocytosis. Furthermore, when applied in the absence of auxin, BHT caused a strong increase in the rate of PIN1 internalization and a weaker increase in the rate of PIN2 internalization. These increases were unaffected by the simultaneous application of IAA, further indicating that endocytosis is not inhibited by the natural auxin IAA under physiologically relevant conditions. Endocytosis was inhibited at the same rate with 2-NAA, an inactive auxin analog, as was observed with 1-NAA and more strongly than with natural auxins, supporting the idea that this inhibition is not auxin specific.


There is a large industrial demand for wax. The market is dominated by synthetic waxes. In contrast to the synthetic wax natural waxes are renewable and thus contribute to sustainalbe processes and reduced carbon emission. In Scandinavia side streams from Wild berries is an interesting candidate for wax production.