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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Detailed knowledge of temperature effects on the timing of dormancy development and bud burst will help evaluate the impacts of climate change on forest trees. We tested the effects of temperature applied during short-day treatment, duration of short-day treatment, duration of chilling and light regime applied during forcing on the timing of bud burst in 1- and 2-year-old seedlings of nine provenances of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). High temperature during dormancy induction, little or no chilling and low temperature during forcing all delayed dormancy release but did not prevent bud burst or growth onset provided the seedlings were forced under long-day conditions. Without chilling, bud burst occurred in about 20% of seedlings kept in short days at 12 C, indicating that young Norway spruce seedlings do not exhibit true bud dormancy. Chilling hastened bud burst and removed the long photoperiod requirement, but the effect of high temperature applied during dormancy induction was observed even after prolonged chilling. Extension of the short-day treatment from 4 to 8 or 12 weeks hastened bud burst. The effect of treatments applied during dormancy development was larger than that of provenance; in some cases no provenance effect was detected, but in 1-year-old seedlings, time to bud burst decreased linearly with increasing latitude of origin. Differences among provenances were complicated by different responses of some origins to light conditions under long-day forcing. In conclusion, timing of bud burst in Norway spruce seedlings is significantly affected by temperature during bud set, and these effects are modified by chilling and environmental conditions during forcing.

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The relationships between measures of forest structure as derived from airborne laser scanner data and the variation in quantity (Q) and vitality (V) of young trees in a size-diverse spruce forest were analyzed. A regeneration success rate (Q), leader length (V), relative leader length (V), and apical dominance ratio (V) were regressed against 27 different laser-derived explanatory variables representing three different spatial scales. The resulting 81 different models for each response variable were ranked according to their Akaike information criterion score and significance level. Each laser variable was then associated with four categories. These were scale, return, fraction, and type. Within the scale category, laser variables were grouped according to the spatial scale from which they originated. Similarly, within the return, fraction, and type categories, the variables were grouped according to if they originated from first or last return echoes; if they originated from lower, middle, or upper fraction of the range of laser heights or values derived from the full range of laser pulses, and if they were canopy height or canopy density metrics. The results show that the laser variables were strongest correlated with the quantity of small trees and that these variables could be attributed to large-scale, last return, lower fraction, and density metrics. The correlations with the vitality responses were weaker, but the results indicate that variables derived from a smaller scale than for the quantity were better in order to explain variation in leader length, relative leader length, and apical dominance ratio. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Nitrogennedfallet i skog virker gjødslende på skog, og fører derfor til økt karbonbinding. Så selv om nitrogennedfallet er en forurensning, så har det den positive effekt at det bidrar til å motvirke klimaendringene. Spørsmålet er hvor stor denne effekten er. Vi har i vårt EU/Forest Focus-prosjekt ”Assessment of the relative importance of nitrogen deposition, climate change and forest management on the sequestration of carbon at intensive monitoring plots in Europe” estimert denne effekten til å være omkring 30 kg ekstra bundet karbon for hver kg nitrogen som blir avsatt i skog...


Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) is a broadly distributed European conifer tree whose history has been intensively studied by means of fossil records to infer the location of full-glacial refugia and the main routes of postglacial colonization. Here we use recently compiled fossil pollen data as a template to examine how past demographic events have influenced its modern genetic diversity...


The inhibitory effect of methanol bark extracts from six deciduous and three coniferous European tree species were bioassayed against eight fungi from the different damage categories, brown rot, white rot, canker and blue-stain. This is the first report providing data on the antifungal activity of several Europaen tree species against fungi within these damage categories. Generally the decay fungi were more inhibited by the bark extracts than the blue-stain fungi, while the lowest inhibition was found among the cancer fungi. The main pattern found between the fungal groups in relation to the bark extracts in this study is believed to be caused by the route of ingress. Acer platanoides bark extract proved to be the most effcient bark extract tested, significantly reducing the growth rate of all tested fungi. Betula pubescens bark extract generally gave the weakest reduction in growth rate. In this study, the conifer bark extracts were in general more active against the canker and blue stain ascomycete fungi than the deciduous trees extracts.