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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Aim Many thematic land cover maps, such as maps of vegetation types, are based on field inventories. Studies show inconsistencies among field workers in such maps, explained by inter-observer variation in classification and/or spatial delineation of polygons. In this study, we have tested a new method to assess the accuracy of these two components independently. Location Four study sites dominated by different ecosystems in southeast Norway. Methods We have used a vegetation-based land cover classification system adapted to a map scale of 1:5,000. First, a consensus map, a map that can be considered an approximation of a flawless map, was established. Secondly, the consensus map was adapted to test the accuracy of classification and polygon delineation independently. We used 10 field workers to generate a consensus map, and 14 new field workers (in pairs) to test the accuracy (n = 7). Results The results show that the accuracy of polygon delineation is lower than that of land cover classification. This is in contrast with previous studies, but previous research designs have not enabled a separation of the two accuracy components. Conclusion We recommend strengthening the training and harmonization of field workers in general, and increasing the emphasis on polygon delineation.

To document


Rapporten dokumenterer utvalgte eksempler på bruk av stordata (engelsk: big data) teknologi og metode i NIBIO. Det første eksemplet er knyttet til oppdatering av arealressurskartet AR5, hvor det undersøkes om stordata-tilnærming kan benyttes for å identifisere lokaliteter der kartet må oppdateres. De neste eksemplene er hentet fra fagområdet plantehelse og tar for seg mulighetene for å bruke stordata-metode for å bedre prediksjonsmodeller og gjenkjenning av for skadegjørere.


The CORINE Land Cover dataset for Norway for the reference year 2018 (CLC2018) was compared to detailed national land cover and land use data. This allowed us to describe the thematic composition of the CLC-polygons and aggregate the information into statistical profiles for each CLC-class. We compared the results to the class definitions found in the CLC mapping instructions, while considering the generalization and minimal mapping units required for CLC. The study showed that CLC2018 in general complied with the definitions. Non-conformities were mainly found for detailed and (in a Norwegian context) marginal classes. The classification can still be improved by complementing visual interpretation with classification based on the statistical profile of each polygon when detailed land use and land cover information is available. The use of auxiliary information at the polygon level can thus provide a better, thematically more accurate CLC dataset for use in European land monitoring.


Abandonment of agricultural land is a process described from different regions of many industrialized countries. Given the current focus on land use, land use change and food security, it appears highly relevant to develop improved tools to identify and monitor the dynamics of agricultural land abandonment. In particular, the temporal aspect of abandonment needs to be assessed and discussed. In this study, we used the detailed information available through the Norwegian subsidy claim database and analyzed the history of use of unique land parcels through a fourteen-year period. We developed and tested five different statistics identifying these land parcels, their temporal dynamics and the extent of occurrence. What became apparent was that a large number of land parcels existing in the database as agricultural land were taken out of production, but then entered into production again at a later stage. We believe that this approach to describe the temporal dynamics of land abandonment, including how it can be measured and mapped, may contribute to the understanding of the dynamics in land abandonment, and thus also contribute to an improved understanding of the food production system.


Denne publikasjonen presenterer en ny metodikk for estimering av endringer i lageret av jordkarbon som følge av arealbruksendringer på mineraljord. Metodikken er utviklet for bruk i den nasjonale rapporteringen av arealbrukssektoren under FNs klimakonvensjon. Metodikken baserer seg på den enkleste tilnærming i følge IPCC sine retningslinjer, en såkaldt Tier 1. Tier 1 metodikken baseres i stor grad på standardverdier fra retningslinjene (IPCC default), men trenger en kopling mot nasjonal arealinformasjon. Denne koplingen beskrives i rapporten. Metodikken tar utgangspunkt i standardverdier for lageret av jordkarbon (SOCREF). Disse er basert på jordtype-grupperinger og klimasone som stammer fra en verdensdekkende jorddatabase. Endringer i jordkarbon etter arealbruksendring estimeres ved hjelp av SOCREF i kombinasjon med et sett faktorer (også standardverdier) som er arealbruksavhengige. Metodikken legger til grunn at endringer i jordkarbon skjer lineært over 20 år (ifølge 2006 IPCC Guidelines). Grunnleggende informasjon for å kunne kople standardverdier mot arealer på en konsistent måte er stort sett manglende for Norge på nasjonal skala. Rapporten gir derfor detaljert informasjon om de datakildene som har vært brukt til å kunne definere hvilke standariserte verdier som tilhører et bestemt areal i overgang....



This report describes the development of a novel model & digital map system for visualising diverse ecosystem services at national scale in Norway. Denne rapporten beskriver utviklingen av en ny metode og en digital kartløsning for å visualisere ulike økosystemtjenester på nasjonal skala i Norge.