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The Nordic Gene bank established the 100 year seed storage experiment in Coal mine no. 3 outside Longyearbyen in 1986. Security duplicate samples of the Nordic seed collection had been deposited in permafrost in the coal mine since 1984. The experiment was established with the aim to monitor the longevity of seeds in this Nordic back-up seed collection and to gain general knowledge about the longevity of seed stored under permafrost conditions, as well as studying the survival of seed borne plant pathogens. The experimental set up included in total 41 seed lots of 17 agricultural and horticultural crop species commonly grown in the Nordic countries. The seed germination experiment included two or three varieties of each crop. The experimental part dedicated to studies of pathogen survival included seeds from 11 crops naturally contaminated by pathogens. The test program comprises germination and pathogen survival tests every 2.5 years during the first 20 years and then every 5 years for the last 80 years. In total 25 identical sets of test seeds placed in sealed glass tubes were packed in wooden boxes, one box for each planned test year. The tests have been carried out according to schedule and this report sums up the results from the first 30 years of the experiment. All tests have been carried out in accordance with the same ISTA-protocols. The results show that 9 of the 17 species after 30 years had retained more than 90 percent of their initial germination percentage. Beet (Beta vulgaris),Onions (Allium cepa), Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) had retained between 97 and 99 percent. At the lower end of the scale, rye (Secale cereale) had lost 51 percent of the initial germination percentage. Among the other cereals, barley (Hordeum vulgare)showed the highest viability as it had kept 89 percent viability, whilst wheat (Triticum aestivum) had kept 79 percent of the initial germination percentage. Mean germination of all test samples showed a drop from 87.2% at year0 to 76.9% at year 30. The pathogen tests showed that all pathogens had survived over the 30 years, more or less at the same contamination levels as were detected at the start of the project. To expand the knowledge about seed longevity under long-term seed storage it is recommended to establish a new more comprehensive experiment with seed materials from a wider selection of crops, and to include more replicates and seeds produced over more years, allowing more indepth statistical studies of the longevity development. A new experiment should be placed in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, in order to provide results relevant for optimal gene bank conservation methods at -18°C and giving direct data on the longevity of seeds stored in the Seed Vault.

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The number of invasive alien pest and pathogen species affecting ecosystem functioning, human health and economies has increased dramatically over the last decades. Discoveries of invasive pests and pathogens previously unknown to science or with unknown host associations yet damaging on novel hosts highlights the necessity of developing novel tools to predict their appearance in hitherto naïve environments. The use of sentinel plant systems is a promising tool to improve the detection of pests and pathogens before introduction and to provide valuable information for the development of preventative measures to minimize economic or environmental impacts. Though sentinel plantings have been established and studied during the last decade, there still remains a great need for guidance on which tools and protocols to put into practice in order to make assessments accurate and reliable. The sampling and diagnostic protocols chosen should enable as much information as possible about potential damaging agents and species identification. Consistency and comparison of results are based on the adoption of common procedures for sampling design and sample processing. In this paper, we suggest harmonized procedures that should be used in sentinel planting surveys for effective sampling and identification of potential pests and pathogens. We also review the benefits and limitations of various diagnostic methods for early detection in sentinel systems, and the feasibility of the results obtained supporting National Plant Protection Organizations in pest and commodity risk analysis.