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Ips typographus is considered the most destructive of the bark beetles in the coniferous forests of the Palaearctic region. At low population densities this species breeds in fresh windfalls or dying trees of Norway spruce. At high densities, in contrast, the beetles may show tree-killing outbreaks at regional scales. Spatio-temporal analyses based on pheromone trap data indicated that large windfall events may be a major instigator and synchronizer of beetle outbreaks in areas subjected to regionalized weather systems. The general dominance of lag 1 density dependence of the time series indicated that the beetle populations are constrained by intraspecific competition for breeding substrates. The time series sequence before the large windfelling of 1987 was however declining without significant density dependence. We suggest this to be a transition period, reflecting a drop in carrying capacity due to depletion of susceptible trees during the preceding outbreak period (1970s) and a drop in beetle number to below the density required to kill trees. A variety of organisms exhibit episodes of explosive population growth, triggered by disturbance events. A new general model is constructed to capture the coupling of disturbance events with resource accumulation / depletion. The model is refined and parameterized using the dynamics of the Ips typographus in Scandinavia as a model system. The waiting times between outbreaks of simulated time series were generally longer and more variable than the outbreak lengths, which agree well with the historical records in the last 250 years. Spectral analysis and logspline density plots of waiting times suggest that the transition from aperiodic to periodic population dynamics should be regarded as a continuum.


The spruce bark beetle is the most serious pest of mature spruce trees in Eurasia. At low population densities it breeds in weakened or newly dead trees, but at high densities it becomes a tree killer. The exact factors triggering outbreaks are not fully understood, but climatic variables are important candidates. Populations in SE Norway have been monitored since 1979. Various time series methods are used to explore the role of climate in outbreaks of the spruce bark beetle in space and time, and to estimate the distribution of bivoltism under different scenarios of climate change. Large windfall events appear to be a major synchronizer of beetle outbreaks in areas subjected to regionalized weather systems, and the northern border of bivoltism may be moved towards north as a function of increasing temperature. Preliminary models of the population dynamics emphasize the frequency of large windfall events and phenological changes due to temperature increase. Final aims are to estimate the regional risks of forest damage under different scenarios of climate change, and to describe practices that may reduce the impact for forest managers.


At least three mechanisms are known to cause synchrony among spatially separated insect populations: 1) dispersal among populations, 2) synchronous stochastic effects, often referred to as the Moran effect, and 3) trophic interactions with other species that are either themselves synchronized or mobile.The present study brings in the role of insect taxa for spatial synchrony. The spatial synchrony observed in several North American and Eurasian epidemic bark beetles was compared with patterns of synchrony in outbreaks of defoliating forest Lepidoptera, revealing a marked difference between these two major insect taxa.The bark beetles exhibited a generally lower degree of spatial synchrony than the Lepidoptera, possibly because bark beetles are synchronized by different weather variables that are acting on a smaller scale than those affecting the Lepidoptera, or because inherent differences in their dynamics leads to more cyclic oscillations and hence more synchronous spatial dynamics in the Lepidoptera. Among the epidemic bark beetles tested, spatial synchrony of outbreaks in the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus was significantly higher than for the other species.