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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



In Norway, it is planned to double the stationary use of bioenergy from all sources by up to 14 TWh before 2020, with much of this increase coming from forest resources, including residues like branches and tops (which are not much used today) being removed after tree harvest. This removal will reduce the supply of nutrients and organic matter to the forest soil, and may in the longer term increase the risk for future nutrient imbalance, reduced forest production, and changes in biodiversity and ground vegetation species composition. However, field experiments have found contrasting results (e.g. Johnson and Curtis 2001; Olsson et al. 1996). Soil effects of increased biomass removal will be closely related to soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, litter quality, and turnover rates. The SOM pool is derived from a balance between above- and below-ground input of plant material and decomposition of both plants and SOM. Harvest intensity may affect the decomposition of existing SOM as well as the build-up of new SOM from litter and forest residues, by changing factors like soil temperature and moisture as well as amount and type of litter input. Changes in input of litter with different nutrient concentrations and decomposition patterns along with changes in SOM decomposition will affect the total storage of carbon, nitrogen and other vital nutrients in the soil. To quantify how different harvesting regimes lead to different C addition to soil, and to determine which factors have the greatest effect on decomposition of SOM under different environmental conditions, two Norway spruce forest systems will be investigated in the context of a research project starting in 2008/2009, one in eastern and one in western Norway, representing different climatic and landscape types. At each location, two treatment regimes will be tested: Conventional harvesting, with residues left on-site (CH) Aboveground whole-tree harvest, with branches, needles, and tops removed (WTH). Input of different forest residues will be quantified post harvest. Soil water at 30 cm soil depth will be analysed for nutrients and element fluxes will be estimated to provide information about nutrient leaching. Soil respiration will be measured, along with lab decomposition studies under different temperature and moisture regimes. Long term in situ decomposition studies will be carried out in the WTH plots using three different tree compartments (needles, coarse twigs, fine roots) decomposing in litter bags, in order to determine their limit value. The structure of the fungal community will be determined by soil core sampling and use of molecular techniques allowing qualitative and quantitative estimation. Understorey vegetation will be sampled to determine the biomass, and the frequency of all vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens will be estimated. After harvesting, replanting will be carried out. Seedling survival, causes of mortality and potential damage, growth, and needle nutrients will be monitored. Results from these studies will be used to identify key processes explaining trends observed in two series of ongoing long-term whole-tree thinning trials. We shall combine knowledge obtained using field experiments with results of modelling and data from the Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Forest Damage and National Forest Inventory. This will help us to predict and map the ecologically most suitable areas for increased harvesting of branches and tops on a regional scale based on current knowledge, and to identify uncertainties and additional knowledge needed to improve current predictions.


The CO2 uptake of the terrestrial biosphere (Gross Primary Productivity, GPP) plays a key role in the global carbon balance. This carbon flux cannot be determined directly on a global scale. Yet, the remotely sensed Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) is a valuable proxy for GPP. This study aims at characterizing global FAPAR dynamics on different temporal scales and extracting corresponding spatial structures. The time series were analyzed to uncover the presence and extent of trends, and to identify quasi-oscillatory patterns from intra- to interannual time scales....


A catchment provides ecosystem data along with (relatively) simple, operationally defined boundaries. In addition runoff is an integrated measure of the hydrochemical ecosystem response, which can be represented by fluxes at the weir. Integration at the weir occurs first of all with respect to spatial scales. Almost all fluid output leaves a (tight) catchment at this point. Evaluation of the runoff dynamics (quantity and quality) is primarily concerned with temporal scales. The Lange Bramke catchment study with its four runoff series from forested catchments (spring and weir at Lange Bramke, weirs at Dicke Bramke and Steile Bramke) provides an exceptionally comprehensive data set. The following scales and processes can be considered, when interpreting temporal variations in runoff data: above the time scale of forest rotation (species composition, biomass accumulation, timber export, soil nutrient pools) at decadal time scales up to a full forest rotation of about 100-120 years (changes in forest growth rate, changes in deposition, climate change, insect outbreaks) at annual time scales (uptake, transpiration) at hourly to weekly time scales of hydrological events (precipitation, runoff, dilution effects of solvents).


In high-latitude areas, landscapes with flat or moderate relief areas usually contain lakes and mires. The identification of flowpaths in such areas is a difficult issue. The increasing availability of high resolution topography from airborne Lidar measurements offers new opportunities for automatic or semi-automatic channel extraction from DEMs in small watersheds, substantially outperforming the hydrographic network in conventional digital maps....


Long-term monitoring meteorological, hydrological and hydrochemical data from small catchments are irreplaceable witnesses of past environmental conditions. This insight shaped the formation of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) in the US, but European as well as German siblings are under preparation. Among the European forested monitoring sites, the Bramke catchments in the Harz mountains present a particularly well-documented case, with daily runoff measurements starting after World War II-related reparation cuts in 1948, and surface water chemistry being observed since the 1970ies. Originally powered by research on erosion, then by acid rain research and the then-prominent “forest decline”, a large set of hydrochemical variables (major ions) is available now with basically weekly resolution. Previously tightly connected to academic research at the University of Göttingen, routine measurements are by now performed by local forest authorities, ensuring forthcoming continuity even when public attention should shift away again from climate change research.


Stream flow observations from a geographical region are known to often exhibit strong common behavior. In order to assess the temporal evolution of the complexity of stream flow time series from all over Europe, we employ the recently developed Linear Variance Decay dimension density (δLV D). It is estimated as the parameter of an exponential decay function fitted to the remaining variances of the eigenvalues of a covariance matrix. Scaling between zero and one, δLV D can be interpreted as a measure of the proportion of linear independent components in a multivariate record.....


Evaluation of climate change consequences and national carbon reporting such as under the Kyoto protocol require long-term monitoring of carbon fluxes. We report on an ongoing project aimed at a national-level assessment of the terrestrial carbon sequestration potential under present conditions and under various climate and land use change scenarios, in particular in terms of their temperature effect. We develop empirical models for national soil carbon stock assessment and evaluate process-based soil carbon models for prediction of future carbon dynamics.....


General questions that arise while investigating hydrological extremes are whether these have distinct spatial and temporal variations and how these variations are linked to mean flow conditions. We analyze a large set of European stream flow series. Based on daily observations we derive annual series of stream flow deciles ranging from the minimum to the maximum, resulting in a set of eleven series for each station representing the year to year variability of the flow regimes....


Growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees and nitrogen deposition were analysed at about 500 forest plots throughout Norway in six fiveyear periods from 1977 to 2006. Growth was calculated from five repeated calliper measurements of all trees during this period and using treering series from increment cores of a subsample of trees. From the growth data a `relative growth` variable was extracted, being the deviation in % between observed and expected growth rates. The expected growth was estimated from growth models based on site productivity, age and stand density at each plot. The plots were categorized into four age classes. The nitrogen deposition was estimated for each plot for the same five year periods by geographical interpolation of deposition observations at monitoring stations made by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research. Nitrogen deposition from 1977 to 2006 ranged from 1 to 24 kg/ha/yr at the study plots, with about 15 kg/ha/yr in the southernmost region and 3 kg/ha/yr in the northern region of Norway. For the entire 30year period we found a long term relationship between growth and nitrogen deposition, corresponding to a forest growth increase of 0.7% per kg total nitrogen deposition per hectare and year (r2 = 0.13). This is in line with studies carried out on other data sets and for shorter time periods. This apparent fertilizing effect was most pronounced for the youngest forest, while the effect was weak for the oldest forest. The growth increase was observed in the southernmost part of Norway, the region with the highest nitrogen deposition. However, the relationship between nitrogen deposition and growth varied considerably between the time periods. In two of the periods the relationship was slightly negative: these periods corresponded well with summer droughts occurring in the southernmost part of Norway. Drought, as well as other climatic factors, will influence the shortterm variations in forest growth and may obscure the fertilizing effect of nitrogen deposition in some periods. In conclusion, nitrogen deposition has most likely increased growth in Norway spruce in southern Norway. However, our study also shows that inferences from such correlative studies should be drawn with care if the growth period is shorter than 10–15 years because climatic factors produce temporal variations in the relationship between nitrogen deposition and forest growth.