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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Information on tree species effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is scattered and there have been few attempts to synthesize results for forest floor and mineral soil C pools. We reviewed and synthesized current knowledge of tree species effects on SOC stocks in temperate and boreal forests based on common garden, retrospective paired stand and retrospective single-tree studies. There was evidence of consistent tree species effects on SOC stocks. Effects were clearest for forest floor C stocks (23 of 24 studies) with consistent differences for tree genera common to European and North American temperate and boreal forests. Support for generalization of tree species effects on mineral soil C stocks was more limited, but significant effects were found in 13 of 22 studies that measured mineral soil C. Proportional differences in forest floor and mineral soil C stocks among tree species suggested that C stocks can be increased by 200–500% in forest floors and by 40–50% in top mineral soil by tree species change. However, these proportional differences within forest floors and mineral soils are not always additive: the C distribution between forest floor and mineral soil rather than total C stock tends to differ among tree species within temperate forests. This suggests that some species may be better engineers for sequestration of C in stable form in the mineral soil, but it is unclear whether the key mechanism is root litter input or macrofauna activity. Tree species effects on SOC in targeted experiments were most consistent with results from large-scale inventories for forest floor C stocks whereas mineral soil C stocks appeared to be stronger influenced by soil type or climate than by tree species at regional or national scales. Although little studied, there are indications that higher tree species diversity could lead to higher SOC stocks but the role of tree species diversity per se vs. species identity effects needs to be disentangled in rigorous experimental designs. For targeted use of tree species to sequester soil C we must identify the processes related to C input and output, particularly belowground, that control SOC stock differences. We should also study forms and stability of C along with bulk C stocks to assess whether certain broadleaves store C in more stable form. Joint cooperation is needed to support syntheses and process-oriented work on tree species and SOC, e.g. through an international network of common garden experiments.


Atmospheric deposition to forests has been monitored in the frame of the ICP Forests programme with sampling and analyses of bulk and throughfall deposition at several hundred forested Level II plots for more than 15 years now. Current deposition of inorganic nitrogen and sulphate is highest in Northern Central Europe as well as in some regions in southern parts. In this study we compared linear regression and MannKendall trend analyses techniques. The choice of method had an influence on the number of trends identified as being significant. We showed that the minimal detectable trends can be estimated with the mean short term temporal variability of the deposition, which is to a large extent due to meteorological variations, such as the precipitation and circulation patterns. The overall decreasing trends for inorganic N and SO42- in the past decade of about 3% and 6% require time series of about 10 and 6 years respectively to detect a trend on a plot with statistical significance. Past reduction of human emission reduced atmospheric deposition of acidifying and eutrophying compounds. This could be confirmed due to the availability of long-term data series. However, further reductions are required to reduce deposition to forests below critical loads for the whole of Europe.

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Aim of study: The main aim of the work was to summarize availability, quality and comparability of on-going European Research and Monitoring Networks (ERMN), based on the results of a COST FP0903 Action questionnaire carried out in September 2010 and May 2012. Area of study: The COST Action FP0903 involves 29 European countries and 4 non-COST institutions from USA, Morocco and Tunisia. In this study, the total of 22 replies to the questionnaire from 18 countries were included. Materials and methods: Based on the feedback from the Action FP0903 countries, the most popular European Networks were identified. Thereafter, the access to the network database, available quality assurance/quality control procedures and publication were described. Finally, the so-called “Supersites” concept, defined as a “highly instrumented research infrastructure, for both research and monitoring of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions” was discussed. Main results: The result of the survey indicate that the vast majority of the Action FP0903 countries participate in the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forest (ICP Forest). The multi-disciplinary International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICPIM) is the second most widespread forest programme. Research highlights: To fully understand biochemical cycles in forest ecosystems, long-term monitoring is needed. Hence, a network of “Supersites”, is proposed. The application of the above infrastructure can be an effective way to attain a better integration of research and monitoring networks at forest sites in Europe. Key words: supersites; European Research Monitoring Networks; harmonization; forest.