Division of Food Production and Society
Measures to increase sustainability in Norwegian vegetable production.
Reduced use of herbicides and improved soil conditions - using false seedbed and catch crops.
NIBIO is a project driven research institute and collects approximately 400 million NOK annually in project funding from both national and international sources. A lot of activity is carried out through EU and EEA-projects and we also participate in research projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. NIBIO coordinates several large international projects with a particular focus on food security and climate change. The list of projects is not complete.
Reduced use of herbicides and improved soil conditions - using false seedbed and catch crops.
The project 'Bioeconomic production of fresh greenhouse vegetables in Norway (BioFresh) (2016-2020)' will direct focus on future production of greenhouse vegetables in (semi-) closed greenhouses. The main goals are to increase and strengthen interdisciplinary knowledge and competence on (semi-) closed greenhouse production systems, increase food security, intensify production and to stimulate consumption of fresh, safe and healthy high quality vegetables while using natural Norwegian resources.
Optimization of produce quality and storage conditions to reduce loss during long-term storage of root vegetables in Norway