Division of Food Production and Society

End: jun 2021
Start: jan 2019
More information
NovelBaltic platform Kronikk Nationen Authentication review Nibio news NovelBaltic Traceability report
External project link | NovelBaltic - lead partners webpage |
Start - end date | 01.01.2019 - 30.06.2021 |
Project manager at Nibio | Anne Linn Hykkerud |
Division | Division of Food Production and Society |
Department | Horticulture |
Funding source | InterregBaltic |
The objective of NovelBaltic is to enhance the market uptake of NTFP innovations based on improved R&D related to authenticity and quality and enhanced utilization of the R&D capacity. The goal is to review the market demand for NTFP in selected regions in China and Asia and to evaluate the feasibility of selected business opportunities through techno-economic calculations.
The main planned activities:
Academia and business cooperate to provide new methods to SMEs which proof the geographical origin of their products faster and cheaper and to evaluate business opportunities in Asian regions. The market evaluation will be done during study and contact trips, but also by participating at fairs.
Nibio involvment
Project partners:
The lead partner of NovelBaltic is the University of Oulu. Altogether the project partners are from five Baltic Sea Region countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
R&D institutions: University of Oulu, Centria vocational school, Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU FI), Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry/Institute of Horticulture (LAMMC IH), The Finnish Forest Centre (Suomen metsäkeskus), NIBIO – The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, SilvEXPO;
business support organisations: Tartu Science Park and Aalto University
Programme: Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Project outputs
A platform is set up to navigate the methods and labs available for proving quality and authentication of non-wood forest products https://novelbaltic-platform.com/.
Total project budget:
Total budget: EUR 1,9 million, this includes European Regional Development Fund support in an amount of EUR 1.4 million and Norwegian Funding support in an amount of EUR 0.06 million