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NIBIO is a project driven research institute and collects approximately 400 million NOK annually in project funding from both national and international sources. A lot of activity is carried out through EU and EEA-projects and we also participate in research projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. NIBIO coordinates several large international projects with a particular focus on food security and climate change. The list of projects is not complete.

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Division of Environment and Natural Resources

Nutrient balances and use efficiencies for the Timebekken catchment

Grass-based livestock production is important for economy in Rogaland, but concerns are increasingover soil nutrient surplus that contribute to degraded water quality in downstream water bodies. Inthis project, we will improve the understanding of nutrient balances and use efficiencies in Rogalandby measuring grass yield, nutrient contents in grass and total nutrient removal through cropregistration and nutrient analyses in 15 representative fields over two years in the Timebekkencatchment.

Active Updated: 12.04.2024
End: dec 2025
Start: jan 2024

Division of Forest and Forest Resources

#Amazing grazing - bærekraftig kjøtt og ull fra sau som beiter i norsk utmark

Kjøtt og ull fra norske sauer kommer fra gårder med ulikt ressursgrunnlag, ulike driftsopplegg og ulik ressursbruk. I dette prosjektet skal vi undersøke sauebonden sitt driftsopplegg, forbrukeren sin innsikt, og rammevilkårene som både bonden og forbrukeren må forholde seg til. Hvordan kan produksjonen forbedres, og hvordan kan forbrukeren få mer kunnskap og nærhet til hva beitebruk bidrar med gjennom produktene?

Active Updated: 12.12.2024
End: dec 2025
Start: may 2021

Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health

Green crop protection: Cruciferous plants as a green alternative to chemical pesticides in cereals

Cereal plants infested with plant pathogenic fungi or nematodes may have reduced grain quality and yield. These diseases can partly be controlled by using chemical pesticides. The purpose of this project is to identify "green" methods to mitigate plant pathogenic fungi and nematodes in cereals, as an alternative to chemical pesticides.

Active Updated: 08.05.2024
End: dec 2025
Start: jan 2023