Division of Food Production and Society
TEKNOPOTET – New technology for increased precision in production and storage of small-sized potatoes

End: dec 2027
Start: jan 2024
The aim of project is to combine new tehnologies and knowledge about physiological status of potatoes to increase the precision of growing and storing of small-sized potatoes.

Status | Active |
Start - end date | 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027 |
Project manager | Eldrid Lein Molteberg |
Division | Division of Food Production and Society |
Department | Horticulture |
Partners | Bama, Gartnerhallen, Agdir, Brødr. Freberg, Norgro and 5 potatogrowers |
Funding source | Forskningsmildene for jordbruk og matindustri, Grofondet, cooperating partners |
While production volumes have been challenged the last decades by both increased import volumes and reduced per capita consumption, there is an increasing market for smaller sized potatoes. The main aim for the project is to develop new knowledge, technology and tools for precise production of small-sized potatoes, in order to help the potato businesses serve the marked with sufficient volumes and qualities of Norwegian small-sized potatoes. To make this production economically sustainable, the number of tubers under each plant should be maximized, the tuber size and tuber quality optimized for consumer preferences, and storage technology adapted to the particular requirements of potatoes which stacks close and with less air in the boxes. This project will combine new tehnologies and knowledge about physiological status of potatoes to increase the precision of growing and storing of small-sized potatoes. First focus of the project is to increase the precision of physiological age modifications before planting, by use of light/led-light and sprout controlling substances. Second focus is tuber set control through control of soil humidity. Fields with different drip irrigation regimes will be set up to develop models for in situ and remote detection of water demand/stress in the potato. Third focus is increased knowledge of physical, physiological and chemical status of the potato at harvest, and use of traditional and innovative non-destructive methods with the aim to develop a storage index for predicted quality after storage. Expected outcomes of the project are new tools for remote control of soil moisture and predictions of storage stability of tubers, as well as recommended best-practice strategies for pre-planting-treatments, irrigation, harvesting and storage of selected cultivars of small sized potatoes.
Publications in the project
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No abstract has been registered
Jaroslaw Stefan GrodekAbstract
Artikkel med omtale av prosjekt Teknopotet. I forbindelse med feltforsøk hos en potetprodusent og deltaker i prosjketet Hans Håkon Vestlund var det arrangert en markdag med presentasjon av prosjektets formål og forsøksopplegg til potet produsenter i INllnadet. Markdag ble arrangert i samarbeid med NLR Innlandet.
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Jaroslaw Stefan GrodekAbstract
Markdag arrangert i samarbeid med NLR Innlandet hos feltvert i prosjektet - Hans Håkon Vestlund, Atna. I markdagen deltok partnere i Prosjketet, NLR rådgivere og lokale produsenter. Markdag fikk omtale i lokal nettavis - Tynsetningen.
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Pia Heltoft ThomsenAbstract
No abstract has been registered