Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health
QualityWheat - Norwegian wheat with optimized protein content and high baking quality

Last updated: 06.11.2018
End: mar 2019
Start: jan 2014
End: mar 2019
Start: jan 2014
The Quality Wheat project aims to increase Norwegian wheat quality to achieve better utilization of Norwegian wheat, and thus meet the national goals of increased food production.
External project link | Project web site |
Start - end date | 01.01.2014 - 31.03.2019 |
Project manager | Anne Kjersti Uhlen, NOFIMA |
Project manager at Nibio | Ingerd Skow Hofgaard |
Division | Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health |
Department | Fungal Plant Pathology in Forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture |
The project comprise 4 Work Packages (WP):
- Yearly assessment of gluten quality of the new harvest to provide quality outlooks for optimal utilization of Norwegian wheat
- Optimal level and reduced variation in wheat protein concentration by means of site-specific fertilization and targeted harvesting based on pre-harvest predictions
- Identify microorganisms associated with gluten protein degradation
- Identify proteases associated with degradation of gluten quality in Norwegian field samples.
WP 3 (NIBIO): Effect of microorganisms on gluten quality
At NIBIO we will investigate and document the influence of Fusarium spp., and other microorganisms, on the functionality of gluten in wheat.