Norwegian Case Study

Kråkstadelva catchment
Poster presenting main information about Norwegain Case Study - Kråkstadelva catchment:
Below we breafly present the activites performed by NIBIO within the case study:
- Field visits
- Selection of measures with stakeholders (WP2)
- Seting up monitoring stations
- Location and description of already implemented measures (WP2)
- Finding the potential location for more measures in the catchment, together with stakeholders (WP2, WP4)
- Policy survey (WP6)
- Selection of case study specific environmental performance indicatros (EPI) and socio-economical performance indicators (SPI), with stakeholders involvment (WP2)
⇒ see also relevant deliverable report
- Documentaion of measures in WOCAT database (WP2)
- Grass or stubble in areas prone to flooding
- Grassed waterways
- Small constructed wetlands
- Reduced tillage
- Grass buffer zones
- Small retention ponds in the forest
⇒ see also relevant deliverable report
On going activites within case study:
- Data collection, overcoming data scarcity etc. (WP3)
⇒ see also relevant deliverable report
- Field scale modeling - SWAP model (WP4)
⇒ relevant deliverable report comming soon
- Preparation of the inputs for SWAT modeling and optimisation (WP4 and WP5)
⇒ relevant deliverable report comming soon
- Preparation of socio-economical modeling (WP4)
For more information about the project and the activities in the Norwegian case study and other case studies look up the OPTAIN project website:

HQ posters about Norwegian Case Study:
Case Study presentation, 2020
Case Study poster - Plenary meeting in Warsaw, 2021
Case Study poster - Plenary meeting in Hungary, 2022
Fact sheets about the measures:
Buffer zones
Grassed waterways
Small constructed wetlands
Grassed floodplains
Sedimentation ponds in the forest areas
Reduced tillage - no tillage in autumn