Popular technology day at Apelsvoll

Photo: Morten Günther
Agriculture has undergone a tremendous technological development in recent decades. New agriculture technology is under continuous advancement, with the aim to increase profitability, ease farmers’ daily life and reduce negative environmental and climate impacts.
In September 2021, 200 interested participants made their way to the “Technology Day at NIBIO Center for Precision Agriculture" at NIBIO Apelsvoll in Østre Toten, Norway.
The audience got to hear exciting presentations from researchers, businesses, and end users. After lunch they visited exhibits and stands and were given practical demonstrations of both drones and robots. Close to twenty different companies presented their products and services.
“I have been wanting to arrange this kind of event for several years,” said Division Director Audun Korsæth at the opening of the event. “For various reasons, it has not been possible until now, but based on the support it received we hope this can become an annual event”.
NIBIO has done research within precision agriculture since 2001, and the Center for Precision Agriculture was established in 2016.
“Our goal is to contribute to resource-efficient and sustainable agriculture by reducing the time it takes from when new technology is developed to when it benefits the farmer,” says Kjersti Balke Hveem, the Center’s director.
Bjørn Gimming, President of the Norwegian Farmers Union, says that new technology must benefit everyone, regardless of where in the country they operate. A key priority going forward will be targeting the produce industry.
“Our technology needs to be adapted so that it can be used in all villages, all types of production and all regions, while at the same time maintaining profitability. We must manage this in steep mountainside farms in Vestland and smaller farms in Northern Norway, as well as in areas with easier operating conditions,” Gimming says.
