Forest Genetics and Regeneration
The core areas of the department are regeneration, genetic diversity, breeding and climatic adaptation of forest trees. These are central at the start of the value chain of forestry and for management of forest genetic resources.
Important subjects and tasks are:
- Forest tree breeding – improve climatic adaptation, growth and quality, and at the same time ensuring the genetic variation of the forest trees
- Genetic resources of forest trees – improve knowledge about genetic structure for application in conservation and use
- Molecular ecology – use molecular and genomic tools to study evolutionary processes and adaptations
- Epigenetics – understand the role of epigenetics in the climatic adaptation of forest trees, and the environmental cues needed for switching the regulation on and off
- Regeneration – understand mechanisms for germination, survival and growth of forest trees in the field, after planting as well as natural regeneration
- Plant production – expand knowledge about commercial production of forest plants, and about production of Christmas trees and greenery