Viruses, Bacteria and Nematodes in Forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture
Main research areas, activities and responsibilities of Department of Virus, Bacteria and Nematodes:
Studies on the biology and epidemiology of viruses, bacteria and nematodes.
Studies on plant-pathogen interactions and mechanisms to develop resistance to viruses and nematodes.
Discovery and exploitation (bioprospecting) of bioactive compounds with health promoting benefits and industrial applications from natural resources.
Develop and utilize plants and microalgae as a platform for protein and vaccine production.
Develop and establish efficient methods to generate and maintain virus-free plant material for the production of vegetatively propagated crops (i.e. cryotherapy and cryopreservation).
Diagnostics of viruses, bacteria and nematodes based on biological and molecular approaches.
Reference laboratory for the detection and identification of quarantine diseases.
Reference laboratory for the detection and identification of plant diseases occurring in Norway.
Stress responses in microalgae, secondary metabolites and production of algae biomass with product-targeted composition.
Bioprospecting of high-value products, e.g. cancer inhibitors and immune-stimulating compounds from microalgae