NIBIO Oslo is located in the centre of the city, at Grønland, in walking distance to the Oslo Central Station, government offices (Regjeringskvartalet) and the parliament building (Stortinget).
9 employees work at NIBIO Oslo, and about the same number of employees have their office location here some parts of the year.
The staff are attached to the department Economics and Society in the Division of Food Production and Society, as well as to the departments Farm Economics and Agricultural Economics in the Division of Survey and Statistics.
NIBIO acts as secretariat for the Agricultural budget tribunal (Budsjettnemnda for jordbruket) who prepare the basis for the annual agricultural negotiations between farmer groups and government.
The employees in Oslo possess specialist competence within several areas including business/company finance, agricultural economics, social economics, resource economics and sociology. They are competent with regard to quantitative and qualitative methodology such as questionnaires, in-depth interviewing and focus groups.
Further skills include business systems and entrepreneurship in agriculture and the analysis of institutions and management models/systems.
With regard to research and progress tasks as well as documentation, the employees take part in for instance:
- Production economics and efficiency and productivity analyses
- Business economics analyses of various management methods
- Management studies in agriculture and forestry
- Analyses of bio-based industries political importance for districts and regions
- Analyses of agricultural production of collective benefits including ecosystem services
- Decision behaviour, economic motivators and the use of incentives
- Consumer economics and food consumption, food traditions, food safety and health
- Analyses concerning the value chain for food products and other bio-based products and services
- Research-based social science knowledge on how to solve social challenges both nationally and globally
- Economic consequences of climate change and possible agricultural adaptation
Clients and cooperation partners
Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Environmental Directorate, Agricultural Directorate, county authorities, county councils, municipalities, Innovation Norway, Statistics Norway, Nordic Council of Ministers, the EU-commission, Animalia, Norwegian Directorate of Health, Tine SA, Nortura SA, Norsk Landbrukssamvirke, Norsk landbruksrådgiving, NHO Mat og Drikke, Oikos, NMBU, UiS (IRIS), UiO, NTNU, SNF, Ruralis, Nofima, Veterinærinstituttet, NINA