Several drivers affect agricultural lanscapes. When the landscape changes gradually take place, or in geographically scattered areas, it may be difficult to get an overview on how-, and to what extent these changes affect biodiversity.
A program for systematically documentation of state and changes in the Norwegian agricultural landscapes was implemented in 1998. The program is called "The 3Q Monitoring Programme". For more information about this monitoring programme, follow the link below.
Biodiversity measures
Changes in agricultural practices and landscapes have affected the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Many species that were previously associated with agricultural lanscapes are now endangered. The loss of biodiversity is linked to more intensive agriculture and the use of monocultures, but also the cessation of land-use has lead to endangered habitats and species. Example of these habitats are coastal heaths, semi-cultural pastures and hay fens, which are no longer maintained for livestock production. The Norwegian Environment Agency manage several grant programs on measures for biodiversity in agricultural areas. Link to these grant programs are found to the left.