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Areas near the Norwegian-Russian border are being strongly contaminated by heavy metal emissions from copper-nickel smelters in the Kola peninsula. The present report presents data for the four elements arsenic, chromium, cobalt, and selenium in vegetation sampled in eastern Finmark, obtained by neutron activation analysis. It is no doubt that the smelters in Nikel and Zapolyarny, constitute the main source of these elements in this area. Some chromium comes from local domestic sources. Still, however, the concentration of these elements in soil and vegetation are probably too low as such to represent any harm to the ecosystem.
Morten Ingerslev Inge Stupak Møller Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen Ingeborg Callesen Vivian Kvist JohannsenAbstract
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As more data have been amassed and interest in working with the ensuing data sets have grown, methods for organizing and examining the data have evolved. The need to work with these larger amounts of data has led to the development of ‘data mining’ methods and software. Data mining has a somewhat skewed reputation, and has often been characterised as ‘data dredging’ or ‘fishing expeditions’ . However, most of us must admit that such ‘expeditions’ or what one also could call hypothesis-generating approaches where we look for both likely and less likely associations, has occurred within our own research. In principal, generating promising associations is what data mining is all about. In this paper we have applied one of many commercial software available (Enterprise Miner, SAS) on a small dataset merged from a questionnaire data set and the national dairy cattle health and production records. We investigated for patterns separating organic dairy farmers from the conventional ones. The main framework of the data mining approach, some of the core modelling methods and the data mining results are briefly described and assessed.
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Per Otto Flæte Erlend Ystrøm HaartveitAbstract
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Heleen A. de Wit Lars R. Hole Øyvind Kaste Jan Mulder Arne O. Stuanes Richard WrightAbstract
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Petter NilsenAbstract
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