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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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During the first few weeks of life, chicks of the capercaillie (Tetra urogallus) and black grouse (T. tetrix) subsist mainly on insects, of which lepidopteran and hymenopteran larvae are the main components. We studied the breeding phenology of these two species and examined how the timing of breeding was related to the temporal distribution of their larval food source. During a five-year survey, capercaillie mated and hatched consistently four to six days before black grouse. Depending on the vegetation type, the number of larvae (>= 2 mm in length) increased between five and ten times within 10 days, and hatching coincided roughly with the peaks in larval numbers. Due to body growth, however, larval abundance in terms of volume was reached later and occurred 8-9 and 13-14 days after the mean hatching dates in the two species, respectively. Slightly later development of Hymenoptera as compared with that of Lepidoptera contributed in extending the period of high larval abundances for more than one week. The timing of breeding of the two species appears, therefore, to match the temporal distribution of insect food for the fast-growing chicks as they hatch several days before the peak in larval volumes. In one year, when mating was advanced, presumably due to exceptionally warm weather before mating (yet the temporal abundance of larvae was unchanged), breeding success was higher than in years when mating occurred later.

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Earliness, fruit yield and quality of six annual-fruiting raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars were tested under protected cultivation in a cool Nordic environment. After raising plants for 5 weeks in greenhouses with average mean temperatures of 20 degrees C, 22 degrees C, or 26 degrees C, the plants were cropped in an open plastic tunnel at latitude 61 degrees N. The highest yielding cultivars were 'Autumn Bliss' and 'Polka', with 640 g plant(-1). Overall, the most promising cultivar was 'Polka' which combined high yield with large fruit of good flavour and firmness. In earliness, 'Polka' was surpassed only by 'Autumn Bliss', which confirmed its position as the earliest commercial annual-fruiting cultivar. However, 'Autumn Bliss' had soft fruits with little flavour and a short shelf-life, which greatly reduced the potential of the cultivar for the fresh fruit market. The later ripening cultivar 'Erika' did not complete its crop under these conditions, but its large unrealised yield potential and good fruit quality rendered it extremely promising for environments with a longer growing season. 'Sugana' was late, with low yields and poor fruit quality, while 'Marcela' did not yield enough fruit to be of interest under the present conditions. High temperatures during the 5-week raising period generally advanced flowering and fruit ripening in all cultivars, with the notable exception of 'Autumn Treasure' in which flowering was suppressed and strongly delayed by high temperature. Under the present conditions, there was a highly positive correlation between earliness and fruit yield. Regression analyses identified a low number of dormant buds as the single most important component of plant architecture associated with high fruit yield, accounting for 47% of the total variation.


Literature data from experiments with lactating dairy cows offered silage-based diets was reviewed to evaluate the effects of the grassland legume species Trifolium repens (WC, white clover), Trifolium pratense (RC, red clover) and Medicago sativa (M, lucerne) on feed intake, milk production and milkquality. Seven data sets were created to compare grass silage (G) with grassland legumes in general (L), G with RC, G with WC, G with M, RC with WC, RC with M and different silage proportions of RC. Daily dry matter intake and milk yield were on average 1.6 and 1.6 kg, respectively, higher and milk fat content 1.2 g/kg milk lower on L than on G based diets. Similar differences were found when G was compared with RC or WC diets. Cows offered WC yielded 1.1 kg/d more milk than RC, and milk produced on WC and M contained 0.7 g more protein per kg than milk from RC diets. Increasing the silage diet RC proportion from 0.5 to 1.0 also decreased the milk protein content by 0.8 g/kg milk. RC increased the level of poly-unsaturated fatty acids, particularly C18:3n-3, and isoflavones, particularly equol, in milk. Effects are discussed in relation to plant cell wall characteristics, plant chemical constituents and changes in rumen digestion to explain the origin of the differences in intake, milk yield and milk composition.

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The severity and temporal dynamics of anthracnose on susceptible (BTx623 and AL70) and resistant lines (2001 PWColl No. 022 and 2001 HararghieColl No. 12) were studied in field plots during the 2007 and 2008 growing seasons in southern Ethiopia. The initial, final and mean anthracnose severities and area under disease progress curves were used as criteria to evaluate the response of the genotypes. Over the two years, the initial, final and mean anthracnose severities ranged from 0.88 to 16.13%, 7.56 to 78.38% and 3.57 to 46%, respectively, while area under disease progress curve averaged for the two years ranged from 221.31 to 2951.88. All the evaluation criteria showed highly significant variations (p<0.0001) among the genotypes and the Ethiopian genotype 2001 PWColl No. 022 consistently had the lowest disease levels regardless of the evaluation criteria and growing season. The disease appeared rather late and progressed slowly on this genotype. On the other hand, the exotic cultivar, BTx623, showed the most sever anthracnose infection. Initial anthracnose severity was significantly higher and the disease developed rapidly on BTx623 than on the other three genotypes. The other two genotypes showed intermediate response and progression of the disease. Correlation and regression analyses revealed a significantly strong association between rainfall and anthracnose severity but temperature appeared to have little/no impact on the development of anthracnose in the field. The present study confirmed the effect of both host genotypes and weather, particularly rain on anthracnose development. The Ethiopian sorghum genotype 2001 PWColl No. 022 was recommended as stable source of resistance against this important disease.

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Soil biological properties and CO 2 emission were compared in undisturbed grass and regularly disked rows of a peach plantation. Higher nutrient content and biological activity were found in the undisturbed, grass-covered rows. Significantly higher CO 2 fluxes were measured in this treatment at almost all the measurement times, in all the soil water content ranges, except the one in which the volumetric soil water content was higher than 45%. The obtained results indicated that in addition to the favourable effect of soil tillage on soil aeration, regular soil disturbance reduces soil microbial activity and soil CO 2 emission


Development of ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) on strawberry leaves has been reported, however, the components of resistance have not been elucidated. Five developmental stages of strawberry leaves were identified and assigned numerical values from newly emerged and unexpanded (S1) to fully expanded and dark green (S5) of cvs. Korona and Senga Sengana. The upper and lower surface of the leaves were inoculated from each of the five leaf developmental stages and incubated under controlled conditions. The effect of leaf age on germination, infection efficiency, latency period, and sporulation were later evaluated. All responses were significantly (p = 0.05) affected by leaf age. Germination percentage, infection efficiency, and sporulation were highest, and latent periods were shortest on S1 leaves of both cultivars. On Senga Sengana, germinating conidia produced fewer secondary hyphae during infection. Conidia produced very few secondary hyphae and did not sporulate on S3 leaves, and no infections established on S4 or S5 leaves. The high success of infection and colonization of P. aphanis on S1 leaves indicates that disease is established preferentially on emergent and expanding leaves and these should be the target of management strategies.