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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. The forestry sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic and neighbouring countries in Central Asia, surrounding the Fergana Valley, are closely linked to the environmental and emergency planning sectors. Overgrazing and overharvesting have contributed to a dramatic decline in forest cover. The TEMP-CA project contributes to a better understanding of environmental problems and sustainable forestry in Central Asia. […]

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. […]

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. The forestry sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic and neighbouring countries in Central Asia, surrounding the Fergana Valley, are closely linked to the environmental and emergency planning sectors. Overgrazing and overharvesting have contributed to a dramatic decline in forest cover. The TEMP-CA project contributes to a better understanding of environmental problems and sustainable forestry in Central Asia. The TEMP-CA project has promoted institutional co-operation between Norway and the Central Asian countries as well as between different institutions both within and between the countries of Central Asia. Increased expertise for scientists, fieldworkers, laboratory staff and staff in different forest departments as well as institutional development in general are important outputs from the TEMP-CA project. The Umalak monitoring site in Tashkent region, the Republic of Uzbekistan, was the tenth of ten monitoring sites established in forests in Central Asia: 1: ”Kara-Koi” in the Osch oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 2: ”Sogot in the Jalal-Abad oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 3: “Dugoba” in Batken oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 4: “Besh-Tash” Talas oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 5: “Sary-Chelek”, in Jalal-Abad oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 6: “Navobod” in Sogdi oblast, the Republic of Tajikistan. 7: “Gauyan” in Batken oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 8: “Zaamin” in Djizak region, the Republic of Uzbekistan. 9: “Urumbash” in Jalal-Abad oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic. 10: “Umalak Teppa”, Tashkent region, the Republic of Uzbekistan. […]

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. The forestry sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic and neighbouring countries in Central Asia, surrounding the Fergana Valley, are closely linked to the environmental and emergency planning sectors. Overgrazing and overharvesting have contributed to a dramatic decline in forest cover. The TEMP-CA project contributes to a better understanding of environmental problems and sustainable forestry in Central Asia. The TEMP-CA project has promoted institutional co-operation between Norway and the Central Asian countries as well as between different institutions both within and between the countries of Central Asia. Increased expertise for scientists, fieldworkers, laboratory staff and staff in different forest departments as well as institutional development in general are important outputs from the TEMP-CA project. […]

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. The forestry sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic and neighbouring countries in Central Asia, surrounding the Fergana Valley, are closely linked to the environmental and emergency planning sectors. Overgrazing and overharvesting have contributed to a dramatic decline in forest cover. The TEMP-CA project contributes to a better understanding of environmental problems and sustainable forestry in Central Asia.The TEMP-CA project has promoted institutional co-operation between Norway and the Central Asian countries as well as between different institutions both within and between the countries of Central Asia. Increased expertise for scientists, fieldworkers, laboratory staff and staff in different forest departments as well as institutional development in general are important outputs from the TEMP-CA project.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. The forestry sectors in the Republic of Tajikistan and neighbouring countries in Central Asia, surrounding the Fergana Valley, are closely linked to the environmental and emergency planning sectors. Overgrazing and overharvesting have contributed to a dramatic decline in forest cover. The TEMP-CA project contributes to a better understanding of environmental problems and sustainable forestry in Central Asia. The TEMP-CA project has promoted institutional co-operation between Norway and the Central Asian countries as well as between different institutions both within and between the countries of Central Asia. Increased expertise for scientists, fieldworkers, laboratory staff and staff in different forest departments as well as institutional development in general are important outputs from the TEMP-CA project.