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Human–bear conflicts occur frequently in the Pasvik Valley, Norway. We used a variantof the hair-trapping method with higher densities of traps (2.5 x 2.5 km grid) todetect brown bears moving near human settlements and livestock. We distributed 20hair traps for one month close to a farm with frequent observations of grazing bears.The study area consisted of one area close to the farm, and one adjacent area withoutsettlements. We collected 85 hair samples and identified 13 different individuals bySTR analysis. In the farm area, we detected 4 different males once, and a female thatwas detected in both areas. In comparison, nine bears (2 males and 7 females) weredetected for more than one week in the area without settlements, suggesting lowerroaming activity. Conclusively, hair trapping has the potential to survey bears at specificlocations of importance to the wildlife management.