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NIBIO is a project driven research institute and collects approximately 400 million NOK annually in project funding from both national and international sources. A lot of activity is carried out through EU and EEA-projects and we also participate in research projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. NIBIO coordinates several large international projects with a particular focus on food security and climate change. The list of projects is not complete.


Division of Food Production and Society

Bioeconomic production of fresh greenhouse vegetables in Norway (BioFresh)

The project 'Bioeconomic production of fresh greenhouse vegetables in Norway (BioFresh) (2016-2020)' will direct focus on future production of greenhouse vegetables in (semi-) closed greenhouses. The main goals are to increase and strengthen interdisciplinary knowledge and competence on (semi-) closed greenhouse production systems, increase food security, intensify production and to stimulate consumption of fresh, safe and healthy high quality vegetables while using natural Norwegian resources.

Finished Updated: 22.04.2020
End: dec 2020
Start: jan 2016
Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies for improved Rural Livelihoods and Food Security in Mali and Niger

The objective of the proposed work is to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Mali and Niger. Measures will be taken to protect natural resources and increase farmer incomes by enhancing agricultural productivity, strengthening market linkages, and facilitating new agribusinesses particularly those led by women and youth. The project will provide farmers with options to help increase their resilience and adaptation to the effects of climate change. Overall project activities are expected to lead to more than 20% increase in crop yields and 15% increase in household crop income.

Finished Updated: 17.06.2020
End: dec 2020
Start: jan 2019