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Division of Food Production and Society


Finished Last updated: 29.11.2022
End: dec 2024
Start: jan 2021

Storage conditions for processing potatoes and reducing acrylamide levels during storage are the focus areas in this project.

Status Active
External project link Visit the official web site (in Norwegian)
Start - end date 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
Project manager Pia Heltoft Thomsen
Division Division of Food Production and Society
Department Horticulture

The project will include making a knowledge base on the specifications of the stores which may be relevant for long term storage of processing potatoes. The project will also include testing of alternative sprout control strategies during long-time storage. We will investigate different combinations of chemicals, doses and strategies, different stores and different potato materials (cultivars and physiological qualities).

We will perform testing both in large and small scale. The levels of CO2 in storage air will be monitored in some stores, and the quality of the products will be controlled before, during and after storage. Residual levels of chlorpropham will be analysed in selected stores throughout the project period, in order to secure a production within acceptable limits.

Alternative strategies with low or no use of sprout suppressants is the ultimate goal, and the possibilities for this will be investigated through testing of new cultivars/breeding lines which accumulates less sugar during cold storage.
