NIBIO has around 700 employees organised in five scientific divisions and four staffs. We are localised all over Norway. Please search by name or find employees according to which department, division and/or localisation they belong to.
Atle Beisland
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 918 67 156 atle.beisland@nibio.no Office Location Landvik
Eli Unn Dahl
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 951 89 018 eli.unn.dahl@nibio.no Office Location Landvik
Iris Eik
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 984 24 665 iris.eik@nibio.no Office Location Landvik
Asbjørn Espenes
Operations Manager
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 477 56 745 asbjorn.espenes@nibio.no Office Location Landvik