From lawn to weed garden

Photo: Siri Elise Dybdal
On Thursday June 8, 2023, a weed garden was opened at Campus Ås. The garden is based on the legacy of Emil Korsmo, the pioneer of weed research in Norway.
Korsmo's modernised weed garden is a collaboration between NIBIO, NMBU, and Vitenparken. It will be used for educational purposes and public outreach.
63 different weed species will adorn the weed garden, designed by landscape architects at NMBU's Property Department.
While biology and weed control play a central role in outreach efforts, it is important to note that weeds can also be useful. They act as essential sources of pollen and nectar, supporting beneficial insects for both pollination and pest management. This aspect will be emphasised in the weed garden.
Research Professor Ingeborg Klingen states that along with Korsmo's beautiful weed illustrations and informative books, the weed garden will be an attraction for visitors, courses held for education of national governmental bodies, agricultural industry and students at Campus Ås.
NIBIO owns "Korsmo's weed illustrations" - a series of beautiful and detailed botanical illustrations from the 1930s, produced by Emil Korsmo and the artist Knut Torkildsen Quelprud, and a few other illustrators. The illustrations are well-known and used as educational tools in several countries.
Professor Lars Olav Brandsæter at NMBU, says that Korsmo systematised weeds in a new way, grouping them biologically based on their lifespan, method of reproduction, and type of root system. Understanding these aspects is crucial to comprehending how various weeds can be controlled.
Weed researcher at NIBIO, Dr Wiktoria Kaczmarek-Derda, explains that many of the species are part of research projects. Having the garden nearby is practical for in-depth discussions with collaborators and other visitors. The garden also serves as a valuable source for small reference collections related to various research activities.

Establishment of a weed garden for teaching of students, industry professionals, and authorities, as well as public outreach.
Collaboration: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Vitenparken
Funding: NIBIO and NMBU