NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Alf BakkeAbstract
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Erik Christiansen Torfinn SætherAbstract
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Øystein AustaråAbstract
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Jon DietrichsonAbstract
Trees of 23 provenances were assessed for their resistance to attack (based on the healthiness of the crown in 11 classes, ranging from healthy to dead) after 29 years of growth. Mortality was found to be greatest in provenances in western and southern continental populations. A study of various independent variables showed that early cessation of growth, a high dry-matter content and rapid shoot or needle extension are all positively correlated with resistance to injury. Eight- to 10-year naturally regenerated trees, presumably of native or northern origin, found within or adjacent to the study area, were heavily infected, whereas nearly all the large trees of the same origin had escaped infection; the Matrand experiment lies in a frost locality, and frost damage was found on the small native trees but not the larger ones. A study of literature and earlier observations by the author,strongly suggest that cold damage is a primary cause of differences in resistance to S. lagerbergii; this hypothesis is also supported by the very good correlation between resistance and dry-matter content of the needles in autumn.
Gunnar AbrahamsenAbstract
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Erik ChristiansenAbstract
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Øystein AustaråAbstract
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Helga Roll-HansenAbstract
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E.C.L. LøftingAbstract
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Alf Bakke P. KnudsenAbstract
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