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The drought stress presents a significant threat for the forest ecosystems. The climate change brings some extreme climatic conditions including longer and more common periods of the drought into the still more forest stands. Current forest management and consecutively wood processing industry in the Czech Republic is nowadays dependent mostly on the Norway spruce. In the same hand, Norway spruce is probably the most threatened tree species by the climate change. Therefore there is a demand for the suitable methodology to monitor the direct effect of the drought on the trees. Presented publication puts together different methods of the evaluation of the water stress and tries to assess their value for the study of the water stress. Of course, there are dozen of the methods to study the water stress. In this handbook we skipped the difficult and expensive techniques and focused rather on the simple methods, suitable for the field use. Methodology begins with the description of the meteorological measurements with current widely available instrumental techniques (i.e. measurements of the intensity of global radiation, air temperature and humidity, wind speed and precipitation) and continues with the monitoring of the soil water content and soil water potential. Then there is a focus on the direct effect of the water stress on the plant. We began with the plant root system since we believed that the fine roots were the most susceptible part of the tree. The focus was on their morphology, anatomy and biological activity. In the aboveground part of the tree we focused on the development of the hydraulic architecture of the tree on the microscopic level. This theoretical analysis was validated by the in-situ measurements of the sap flow. Direct and immediate effect of the water stress on the plant water status is described in the means of the plant water potential. Similarly to the hydraulic architecture we dealt with both the xylogenesis (on the cellular level) and the stem increment measured (on the tree level) by the logging band dendrometers. Finally we discussed the effect of the plant water status on the mineral nutrition of the tree. To conclude, none of the methods alone can implicate the complexity of the water stress, however the combination of the different views gives rather good insight on the tree condition and enable to predict the further tree development.


The temperature level experienced during zygotic embryogenesis in the conifer Norway spruce effects an epigenetic memory and vital phenological traits in the progeny (Kvaalen & Johnsen, 2008). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous small RNAs having large-scale regulatory effects on plant development and could participate in epigenetic regulation of expression in plants. To unravel the possible molecular mechanisms behind this epigenetic phenomenon we prepared two concatemerized small RNA libraries representing smallRNAs expressed in plants from seeds obtained after embryogenesis in cold environment and in a warm environment and made a search of conserved miRNAs found in other plant species. Partial sequencing of the libraries allowed identifying of 199 different small RNAs, with predominant length of 21-nt. Among them were 24 novel candidate miRNAs and 4 conserved. Screening of conserved miRNAs allowed confirming additional 17 miRNAs belonged to 11 miRNA families. Most of the miRNA obtained were related to unknown and “no-hit” genes. The expression of 8 conserved miRNAs (pab-miR156c, 159a, 396a,b, 535, 947, 951 and 858) and 9 predicted miRNAs (miR080, 100, 105, 119, 122, 132, 144a,b and 157) showed significant differences in transcript levels between epigenetically distinct plants. Additionally we confirmed that four selected genes PaLPT4, PaGaMYB, PaMYB10 and PaSPB13 regulated by miRNAs pab-miR100, 858, 159a and 156c, may also be involved in epigenetic memory regulation. Our results suggest that Norway spruce miRNAs are composed of a set of conserved miRNAs and a large proportion of novel non-conserved miRNAs with relatively low expression levels. These findings imply that both kinds of miRNAs might be involved or at least affected by the molecular mechanisms underlying the temperature sensitive epigenetic memory in Norway spruce.


Norway spruce expresses a temperature-dependent epigenetic memory from the time of embryo development, which thereafter influences the timing bud phenology. MicroRNAs (miRNAs)are endogenous small RNAs, exerting epigenetic gene regulatory impacts. We have tested for their presence and differential expression. We prepared concatemerized small RNA libraries from seedlings of two full-sib families, originated from seeds developed in a cold and warm environment. One family expressed distinct epigenetic effects while the other not. We used available plant miRNA query sequences to search for conserved miRNAs and from the sequencing we found novel ones; the miRNAs were monitored using relative real time-PCR. Sequencing identified 24 novel and four conserved miRNAs. Further screening of the conserved miRNAs confirmed the presence of 16 additional miRNAs. Most of the miRNAs were targeted to unknown genes. The expression of seven conserved and nine novel miRNAs showed significant differences in transcript levels in the full-sib family showing distinct epigenetic difference in bud set, but not in the nonresponding full-sib family. Putative miRNA targets were studied. Norway spruce contains a set of conserved miRNAs as well as a large proportion of novel nonconserved miRNAs. The differentially expression of specific miRNAs indicate their putative participation in the epigenetic regulation.


Previous fossil evidence suggests that small Picea abies populations were present in Scandinavia prior to the general expansion of the species in the peninsula during the last 3000 years. In this study we identified a novel polymorphic region of the Picea abies mitochondrial genome with two variants caused by an insertions-deletion of 20 bp. We used this variant to characterize the genetic variation of a 7000-years-old population of Picea abies using pollen retrieved from a Holocene lake sediment situated in central Norway. Comparison of ancient patterns of genetic variation with modern patterns observed in extant populations sampled over the North European range of the species helped us to answer several important questions regarding the spread of this species in Scandinavia after the last glaciation.


In terrestrial ecotoxicology there is a serious lack of data for potential hazards posed by engineered nanoparticles (ENPs). This is partly due to complex interactions between ENPs and the soil matrix, but also to the lack of suitable toxicological endpoints in organisms that are exposed to ENPs in a relevant manner. Earthworms are recognized as key organisms in terrestrial ecosystems, but so far only physiological endpoints of low sensitivity have been used in ecotoxicity studies with ENPs. We exposed the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris to different concentrations (1-100 ppm) silver nanoparticles of two contrasting sizes under three different conditions; in water, in food and in soil. After exposure, we measured the impact on apoptosis in different tissues using two staining techniques to determine apoptosis; TUNEL and Apostain. A dose-dependent response was detected with respect to apoptotic activity in a range of tissues both at acute and sub-lethal concentrations (down to 4 mg kg soil-1). Comparing exposure in water and soil showed that reduced bioavailability in soil is reflected in the apoptotic response. Apoptosis thus seems to be a sensitive endpoint for detection of adverse effects of silver nanoparticles, and potentially a powerful tool for quantifying environmental hazards posed by ENPs.


The model FROSTOL simulates course of frost tolerance in winter wheat on a daily basis from sowing on as affected by soil temperature (2 cm), snow cover, phenological development, and a genotypic maximum level of frost tolerance (LT 50). A series of cultivar trials in Finland was used to evaluate the model's ability to estimate plant survival in natural field environments during winters with differing weather conditions. Recorded survival was compared with number of intersections between the curves of simulated LT50 and the soil temperature curve for each field. A cumulative stress level (CSL) was calculated based both on number of intersections and FROSTOL simulated stress levels. The correlation between CSL and field recordings was quite low. While the field trials characterize a general ability to stand various types of winter stress, FROSTOL estimates damage caused by the soil temperature regime only. However, FROSTOL simulations seemed to correspond reasonably well to field observations when low temperature was the eventual cause of damage.