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This paper presents powdery mildew species recorded on woody ornamentals, with special emphasis on the latest arrivals; Erysiphe flexuosa on horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), Erysiphe syringae-japonicae on lilac (Syringa vulgaris) and Podosphaera spireae on white spirea (Spiraea betulifolia). The two former were found in 2006, while the latter was first detected in 2008. Chasmothecia (formerly named cleistothecia) were not found on white spirea until 2010. Several locations seemed to have optimal conditions for development of powdery mildew diseases in 2006. That year the long established Sawadaea bicornis on sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), was found for the first time on tatarian maple (Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala) and one cultivar from hedge maple (Acer campestre "Red Shine"). Also several species and cultivars of Rhododendron had massive attacks of powdery mildew in 2006. In 2010, chasmothecia of E. azaleae were found on severely affected R. "Magnifica" in western Norway. Most powdery mildew species are host specific, but especially Phyllactinia guttata has a wider host range, e.g. hazel (Corylus spp.) and common ash (Fraxinus excelsior).


1. Surrogate species measures of biodiversity (SSB) are used worldwide in conservation prioritisations. We address the important question whether the ideas behind SSB are consistent with current knowledge on distribution patterns of species, as reflected in theories of community assembly. 2. We investigated whether assumptions necessary for successful functioning of SSB (nested species assemblages, cross-taxon congruence, spatio-temporal consistency) were supported by predictions from either niche or neutral community models. 3. We found a general mismatch between ideas behind SSB and ecological community theory, except that SSB based on complementarity may be consistent with niche-based theory when gradients in species composition are strong. 4.  Synthesis and applications. The lack of a necessary scientific foundation may explain the disappointing results of empirical tests of SSB. We argue that site selection should be based on costs and opportunities within complementary environmental/land units, rather than expensive inventories of unfounded surrogate species.


The following diseases of roots, stem or shoots of apple are more or less troublesome, but they all seem to be easily spread by planting material. Twig blight and canker caused by Diplodia sp. and Phomopsis sp. are new to Norway, but are thus far not widely distributed. Apple proliferation is widely distributed in the fruit growing areas, while fire blight has not been observed in the fruit areas, although it is widely spread along the western coast of the country. European canker, silver leaf and crown- and collar rot are endemic in the country.