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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



A quantitative multiplex real-time PCR procedure was developed to monitor the dynamics in Norway spruce (Heterobasidion annosum) pathosystem. The assay reliably detected down to 1 pg of H. annosum DNA and 1 ng of host DNA in multiplex conditions. As a comparative method for quantifying fungal colonization,we applied the ergosterol assay. There was a very high correlation between the results obtained with the two methods, this strengthening the credibility of both assays. The advantages and disadvantages of these assays are discussed.


Determining the level of pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms during colonization of the host is central in phytopathological studies. A direct way to monitor fungal hyphae within the host is microscopic examination, but chitin and ergosterol-levels are commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of fungus present. Recently real-time PCR technology is being used to follow infection agents in host tissues. We study the molecular basis of host defense responses, using the coniferous host Norway spruce infected with the pathogen Heterobasidion parviporum as the experimental system. This basidiomycete and the closely related pathogen H. annosum are the major root rot causing pathogens in conifers. To screen host material for differential resistance towards H. parviporum, it is a necessity to quantify the fungal colonization of the host tissues. Therefore, we aimed to develop and compare the sensitivity of a real-time PCR to an ergosterol based method for determining the rate of colonization, and applied the methods to rank the infection level of the pathogen on the spruce clones 053 and 589. We developed a quantitative multiplex real-time PCR procedure that reliably detecting down to 1pg H. parviporum DNA and 1ng host DNA. There was a very high correlation between the fungal-biomass/total-biomass and fungal-DNA/total-DNA rankings obtained with ergosterol and real-time PCR, strengthening the credibility of both methods. Based on both ergosterol and real-time PCR, it was clear that the clone 053 was hosting more fungal biomass than clone 589. The results indicate that this real-time procedure can be a useful method to screen different spruce material for their relative resistance to the pathogen H. parviporum.


One of our main interests is to learn about the molecular basis of host defense responses, using the coniferous host Norway spruce infected with the pathogen Heterobasidion parviporum as the experimental system. This basidiomycete and the closely related pathogen H. annosum are the major root rot causing pathogens in conifers.To screen host material for differential resistance towards H. parviporum, it is a necessity to quantify the fungal colonization of the host tissues. Therefore, we aimed to develop and compare the sensitivity of a real-time PCR to an ergosterol based method for determining the rate of colonization. We developed a quantitative multiplex real-time PCR procedure that reliably detecting down to 1pg H. parviporum DNA and 1ng host DNA.There was a very high correlation between the fungal-biomass/total-biomass and fungal-DNA/total-DNA rankings obtained with ergosterol and real-time PCR, strengthening the credibility of both methods. The results indicate that this real-time procedure can be a useful method to screen different spruce material for their relative resistance to the pathogen H. parviporum.


The effect of cold acclimation and defence activators on snow mould resistance and expression of pathogenesis-related (PR-) genes were investigated in winter cereals and perennial ryegrass. Cold acclimation, known to induce snow mould resistance, had apotentiating effect on snow mould-induced PR-gene expression in winter wheat. Chitosan treatment induced chitinase expression and in some cases also snow mould resistance in winter wheat. Bion treatment reduced snow mould resistance in perennial ryegrass.


Cleaning of containers to counteract infection that might cause root dieback should remove old, adhering media and roots that may harbour pathogens. This study investigated seedling growth and the number of viable fungal propagules retained on the container cavity walls as a result of different container cleaning treatments: washing with cold water (ca 8C) only, or in addition with a bath temperature of 60, 70, 80 or 95C for 30 seconds.More fungal propagules were isolated from containers washed in cold water, than from the other treatments. The most frequently isolated fungi were Paecilomyces sp. and Penicillium sp., which are well known saprophytes. Bacteria and yeast did not seem to be affected by the washing.Electron microscopy studies of container cavity walls revealed many organic particles and fungal spores on the walls of coldwashed containers. Among other fungal spores there were visible chains of Paecilomyces spp. spores.Containers that were washed at 80C had some organic debris attached to the cavity walls, but no spores were visible. In used and unwashed containers fungal spores, hyphae and organic debris were found on the container cavity walls. Containers in which the major part of the seedlings previously had suffered from root dieback might have contained a considerable amount of inoculum before washing.Almost 60% of the seedlings grown in unwashed containers had dead or very stunted root systems, whereas about 10% of the seedlings in cold washed containers suffered from severe root dieback. Additional warm water treatment further reduced the root dieback of this group of containers. In unwashed containers in which healthy seedlings had been grown, about 4% seedlings and after cold washing no seedlings with root dieback were observed.The cold washing procedure had a positive effect on seedling height, but there was no additional effect of the warm water treatment. We conclude that cold pressurised washing alone does not provide adequate control of root dieback and that an additional warm water bath of at least 60C is recommended.


In a greenery trial of Noble fir in western Norway, most branches had good quality until 1994 when 31 % of the branches were discarded. Since then a high level of losses has been noted and 87 % were discarded in 2000. A survey in 1998 revealed that the needle blight fungus Delphinella abietis was the main cause. It seems that frost did not initiate or maintain the disease in the stand, but generally low temperatures may have been important. Discarded branches with the fungus have been left on the ground and have probably been important in maintaining a high level of attack.