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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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The pea moth Cydia nigricana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the key pest of the pea Pisum sativum (Fabaceae). Alternative pest control techniques need to be developed since efficient control options are scarce. Field studies in Northern Hessen, Germany, in the years 2006 - 2008 demonstrated a strong correlation between the seasonal flight period of C. nigricana and the phenology of pea. With this starting point, we propose to study the olfactory space between the pea plant and the pea moth, aiming to identify volatile cues encoding host recognition and host finding in pea moth females, and the potential use of these compounds for control of the pea moth. As a first step, two-choice experiments in the laboratory concerning complex plant odours were conducted to study the preference between different phenological development stages of pea plants using male and female C. nigricana (mated and non-mated). Males and non-mated females showed no preference, whereas mated females clearly preferred flowering pea plants. To study the host finding behaviour and upwind orientation of C. nigricana we conducted wind tunnel experiments, using pea plants in different phenological development stages. The preference of mated females for the pea flower has been confirmed and additionally, high attraction of mated females for the late bud stage was recorded. Overall, the flower and the late bud stage of P. sativum seem to be the most important phenological development stage of pea for host finding behaviour of C. nigricana. The next steps in this study are the identification, selection and characterisation of behavioural active pea plant compounds.


The agro-ecosystems (e.g. cropping system (tunnel/ greenhouse/ open field, etc.), plant species, cultivar, soil management (fertilization, pH, soil cover, etc.)) has an impact on pests (insects, mites, snails, nematodes, plant diseases and weeds) and the control strategies used. Biological control agents (BCA) can serve as alternatives or as supplements to chemical pesticides. They can reduce the need for chemical treatments and thus the risk of non-target effects to humans and the environment from pesticide use. Further, the use of BCA might help to reduce the risk of pesticide resistance development. The Regulation and use of BCA differs significantly between different European countries, especially for the macroorganisms (insects, mites and nematodes). Norway has its own regulation for macroorganisms, while regulation of microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses and protozoa) is almost the same as for chemical pesticides, and is comparable to the EU regulations. There is a wide range of biological control products available on the international market, and access to these products would benefit Norwegian growers. Norway has, however, a very limited selection of registered biological control products. A new Norwegian project titled “Increasing the use of biological control agents of plant pests” is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In this project we try to identify the bottlenecks and propose solutions to promote the registration and increase the use of BCA in Norway. A survey has been conducted where experts and agricultural advisors on different cropping systems were asked to prioritize which BCA (products) on the European market should be promoted and registered in Norway (initially against pest insects and mites). Preliminary results from this project will be presented.


Pest and disease management in organic greenhouse production in Norway Anette Sundbye1, Nina Svae Johansen2, Arne Stensvand3 1, 2, 3 Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) - Plant Health and Plant Protection, Email1: anette.sundbye@bioforsk.no Development of organic farming and marketing of organic products is a political priority in Norway, and the major goal is that 15% of the food production and consumption in year 2020 should be organic. This also relates to vegetables in greenhouses. The demand for organic vegetables is increasing and the consumers are increasingly more conscious of how their food is produced. Norwegian growers who choose to convert to organic cultivation have major challenges when it comes to marketing and keeping a stable production. However, guidance by the Norwegian agricultural extension service on organic production of cucumber has been successful (project “Organic cultivation of greenhouse vegetables and herbs” 2010-2012). Also growers of tomatoes, lettuce and herbs are in good progress in converting to organic production. According to current Norwegian regulations, the organic greenhouse production should mainly be based on natural light. The need for and use of artificial light should be documented and can only be used in certain periods of the cultivation time. The main goal of the project “Environmentally friendly development of Norwegian greenhouse industry (2009-2012)” is to reduce energy consumption in plant production. This is practiced by maximizing the utilization of natural radiation and manipulating the light with different greenhouse covering, shading materials and LED based lamps with specific wavelength spectrum. The effect of light quality on powdery mildew and pests is also studied. Experiments have shown that illumination with red or UV-B light some minutes a day can reduce powdery mildew significantly. Blue sticky traps equipped with low intensity LEDs have the potential to increase thrips catches on sticky traps, and lamps with repellent wavelengths may be used to confuse whiteflies in their host finding. Only a limited number of biological control agents (BCA) are currently registered in Norway. On the international market, a wide range of commercially products of BCA is available. Access to these products would benefit the Norwegian organic production. In order to increase the availability and use of BCA in Norway, two projects have been funded by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. In the new project “Increasing the use of biological control agents of plant pests” (2012) bottlenecks will be identified and solution will be proposed to promote the registration and increase the use of BCA in Norway. The other project “Extension in greenhouse biological control” (2006-2012) has increased the implementation of biological control and IPM in Norwegian commercial greenhouses.

To document


The genera Leiopus Audinet-Serville, 1835 and Acanthocinus Dejean, 1821 are redescribed. New morphological differences at the generic level are described, and the importance of genitalia characters in taxonomy at both species and generic level is emphasized. Carinopus subgen. nov. in Leiopus is described from mainland China and Taiwan. Acanthobatesianus subgen. nov. in Acanthocinus is described from China, the Korean peninsula and Japan. Leiopus (Carinopus) campbelli (Gressitt, 1937) comb. nov. is transferred from Acanthocinus, and Acanthocinus (Acanthobatesianus) guttatus (Bates, 1873) comb. nov. from Leiopus. Six new species of Leiopus from China are diagnosed, described, and illustrated: L. nigropunctatus sp. nov., L. flavomaculatus sp. nov., L. ocellatus sp. nov., L. nigrofasciculosus sp. nov., L. holzschuhi sp. nov. and L. multipunctellus sp. nov. Redescriptions of L. kharazii Holzschuh, 1974, L. albivittis albivittis Kraatz, 1879, L. stillatus (Bates, 1884), L. (Carinopus) shibatai Hayashi, 1974, L. (Carinopus) fallaciosus Holzschuh, 1993, L. (Carinopus) campbelli (Gressitt, 1937) comb. nov. and Acanthocinus (Acanthobatesianus) guttatus (Bates, 1873) comb. nov. are added. A key to the generic and subgeneric levels of Leiopus and Acanthocinus, and a dichotomous key to all six new species of Carinopus subgen. nov. (Leiopus str.) from China, are provided.