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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Thanasimus formicarius (L.) responds to racemic ipsdienol and ipsenol and less to (S)-cis-verbenol. All three are pheromone components in several bark beetles of the genus Ips. Synergistic effects appeared when the components were combined. Methylbutenol alone, the specific pheromone component of Ips typographus, elicited no response, but synergestic effects appeared when methylbutenol was combined with cis-verbenol and ipsdienol. The sympatric species Thanasimus femoralis (Zett.) responds to (S)-cis-verbenol, while ipsdienol and ipsenol synergize the response.