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NIBIO is a project driven research institute and collects approximately 100 million NOK annually in project funding from both national and international sources. A lot of activity is carried out through EU and EEA-projects and we also participate in research projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. NIBIO coordinates several large international projects with a particular focus on food security and climate change. The list of projects is not complete.


Division of Forest and Forest Resources

BioMim - Advancing biomass technology

Utilization of woody (lignocellulosic) biomass has emerged as a top priority to meet growing energy demands, address climate change, and support forest economies. Research and technology development are critically needed to find cost-effective and sustainable solutions for the conversion of biomass. Extensive exploitation of lignocellulosic biomass as a feedstock for a variety of products is the key to develop a viable bio-economy. However, the natural resistance of lignocellulosic biomass to chemical and biological deconstruction is a challenge that biorefineries have to overcome.

Finished Updated: 23.10.2017
End: dec 2018
Start: jan 2015
Project image

Division of Forest and Forest Resources

The Language of Climate

The aim of the project is to increase the awareness, knowledge and expertise of the society and particularly school children in the field of climate, climate change and adaptation to the climate change. An information campaign with practical experiments avd observation regarding climate change and adaption will be implemented. The project Klimata valoda - climate language, is based on three directions of action involving schools and youngsters as well as public in general.

Finished Updated: 01.10.2018
End: apr 2016
Start: jan 2015
datamsking og løsdriftsfjøs storfe

Division of Forest and Forest Resources

Animal Sensor Networks

Bruken av trådløse sensorer for å samle inn informasjon fra dyr har blitt stadig viktigere. Dette gjelder bruksområder som omfavner alt fra praktisk landbruk, dyreforskning og det er brukt i turisme-sammenheng mm. Formålet med dette prosjektet var å gjennomføre anvendt forskning innen fagområdet sensornettverk for dyr og etablere et kompetansenettverk innen Botnia/Atlantica-området (Norge, Sverige og Finland) for denne type forskning. 

Finished Updated: 30.10.2020
End: oct 2014
Start: jan 2012