Work Package 6

Project management and coordination
The main focus of WP6 will be to integrate the work of the other WPs and to secure simple information flow between the WPs and to and from FACCE-JPI and INTENSE. Lead coordinator of INTENSE (Dr. Arne Sæbø) will spend about 50% of his time on the coordination and Research in INTENSE. In addition, a secretary at NIBIO Særheim will help with practical tasks related to the coordination. A leader group will consist of two persons from each partner and with at least three stake holders participating in the project. The coordinator will be the contact point between FACCE-JPI and INTENSE. Important topics are leading the INTENSE project, managing, establish good communication lines between the project and FACCE-JPI, running dissemination, reporting and auditing in due time and according to FACCE-JPI rules. The central NIBIO economy department will be used to secure that expenditure is in accordance with the rules from FACCE-JPI and our national laws and rules.
Description of the tasks
Task 6.1: Contract between INTENSE partners and FACCE-JPI
Partners involved: NIBIO, all partners
The contract will include intellectual property rights, following to EU standard procedures. Several partners have IPR agencies that will be helpful in settling any conflicts.
Task 6.2: Establishing and running the leader group
Partners involved: NIBIO, all partners
A steering committee will be formed to take the project´s decisions. It will hold regular meetings at every project meetings and running contact by e-mail. Conflict resolution or urgent experimental matters will be dealt with in tele-conferences (e.g. skype).
Task 6.3: Establishing the official net site for INTENSE and initiating national sites
Partners involved: NIBIO, FACCE-JPI and all partners
For the national sites, the coordinator will give a template to use, so that the structures are the same as for the international site and with links to and from the international and national sites. The sites will be updated regularly and also contain links to other related projects.
Task 6.4: Make a detailed work plan for the entire project duration
Partners involved: NIBIO, all partners
The overall plan will thus be upgraded at the end of each project year by the steering committee. The plans include dates for meetings (including those in FACCE-JPI), dissemination (scientific papers, popular publications, contact with the press, policy briefs, and meetings such as workshops, seminars and congresses)
Task 6.5: Secure transparency, open publications whenever possible and open data access
Partners involved: NIBIO, all partners
It is of utmost importance to INTENSE that its results reach the public as soon as possible. Therefore all data will be presented at the website after publication, and dissemination will be stimulated as described in the impact section D7. The steering committee authorizes the project leader to spread important news and novelties to stakeholders and policy makers.
