Work Package 3

Ecological indicators of land use changes: stresses & key factors of sustainability
Description of the tasks
Task 3.1: Status Quo
Partners involved: HMGU, all partners
Monitor vegetation and productivity on selected sites; implement data into models to define status quo of sites. Cooperation with WP2 will be essential for mapping and modelling plant resources.
Task 3.2: Harmonization
Partners involved: BIOGECO, all partners
Establish common methodology for sampling and assay. Determine plant stress from drought, heavy metals or organic pollution in lead species during growth.
Task 3.3: Lab studies
Partners involved: UPARMA, HMGU
Lab studies with lead species, growth in different nutrient and water status, explore mechanisms of tolerance and quantify uptake and metabolism of main pollutants (site specific).
Task 3.4: Plant Microbe Interaction
Partners involved: UHAS, HMGU, UPARMA
Recognize the extent of plant-microbe interactions as drivers of adaptation. Together with UHAS establish markers of performance. Cooperation with WP2 will concern data on microbial populations at sites affecting soil functionality.
Task 3.5: Farm Testing
Partners involved: HMGU/Martl, SGGW, UPARMA, NIBIO, CIEMAT
Set up trials for different cropping systems on farm, utilization of biomass for compost, biofuel, and secondary products. Obtain biomass samples from other stands to feed them into biogas reactors, and for biochar production. Biochar will be considered in WP1 as amendment to improve soil organic matter and carbon sequestration.
Task 3.6: Key factors and Indicators
Partners involved: HMGU, NIBIO, BIOGECO
Select key factors driving changes in soil resilience, yield and product quality according to the OECD pressure-response model and define indicators for communication with stakeholders. Data will be provided to WP2 for model building.
Task 3.7: Forecast changes
Partners involved: HMGU, NIBIO, BIOGECO
Use PLATHO and EXPERT-N to forecast plant performance under given management options; validate modelling approach by sampling & yield monitoring. Provide decision support system (WP5)