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Project implementation


Organizational arrangements for implementing ClimaViet.

The project is divided into four main work packages (WPs) for convenience of implementation with one lead partner for each work package. Within the WPs, each task will be coordinated by a task leader responsible for task implementation and to deliver the final result from the task to the WP leaders, The four WPs and tasks within each WP together cover various natural and social science related issues that will finally address the main goal of the project. Integration between WPs will be ensured as needed.

Work package 1: Identification and characterization of rice farming systems that is vulnerable to climate change

Main objective: To identify and characterize rice farming systems that are vulnerable to climate change (focus on droughts and saline intrusion).
To achieve the WP objectives, the existing climate scenario projections for Vietnam will be reviewed and considered to study their impacts on rice production. Vietnam’s official climate change projections by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) in the form of seasonal changes in rainfall and temperature (Vietnam, MONRE 2012) will be considered and down scaled. The selected climate change scenarios from MONRE for the 2030 and 2050 projection periods will be considered.

Moreover, the rice productivity is likely to change due to climate change impacts, which will be evaluated by using selected crop modelling tools.
WP1 leader: VAAS
Deliverable 1.1: Climate Scenarios and impacts on rice production

Work package 2: Testing of selected potential measures for adaptation and mitigation within rice farming systems vulnerable to climate change

Main objective: To identify and pilot test selected climate smart measures that will help in adaptation and mitigation, (improve rice production and at the same time reduce GHGs emissions).


This component will also identify the most promising measures for adaptation and mitigation based on the present and future climate projections and evaluates how rice productivity can be enhanced. This is expected to demonstrate the need to adjust and integrate appropriate measures in order to reduce vulnerability to climate change in the selected areas and also help in reducing GHG emissions from rice ecosystems.


WP 2 leader: NIBIO.

Work package 3: Assessment of the current and future institutional framework needed for implementing potential adaptation and mitigation measures

Main objectives: To assess the current and future institutional framework needed for implementing potential adaptation and mitigation  measures.

This work package will assess the current institutional framework, and identify gaps and changes needed for implementing potential adaptation and mitigation measures to address the climate impacts in selected rice growing areas.  The project will actively engage provincial authorities through a series of stakeholder workshops in order to share the project results, technology options, capacity building needs, explore investment alternatives and to develop policy guidelines.
The main objective here is to link science with policy through stakeholder engagement (MARD, provincial authorities, managers, scientists, farmer and women groups). Women play an important role in agriculture in Vietnam and their role in future adaptation strategies will be analyzed.
WP 3 leader: NIBIO.

Deliverable 3.1: Adaptation and mitigation to climate change: Institutional and policy support in Vitenam (draft version)
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Work package 4: Stakeholder Integration, Dissemination and Project Management

Main objectives:

  • Integration of all project components by using information from WPs 1, 2 and 3,
  • Ensure co-operation between the project team and local and regional stakeholders and other relevant on-going projects in the region
  • Ensure that the results of the Project are disseminated to appropriate stakeholders
Work package 4 will provide the main outcomes of this complex, multidisciplinary project. Profound evaluation and exchanges with stakeholders will lead to the preparation of practical and applicable adaptation strategies. The communication approach throughout the project is expected to constitute a basis for independent experimentation and innovation and to promote adequate policy making for adapting the proposed rice cultivating systems to adapt to climate change.
By incorporating the vulnerability situation combined with crop response, an iterative way of defining and ranking adaptation strategies will be feasible. Climate change affects directly the hydrology and water availability, and sets the boundary conditions for the adaptation strategies. Based on this, initial adaptation measures will be defined and implemented.
WP4 Leader: VAAS.