Photo: NIBIO
The dissemination of project results will be targeted using various methods to deliver scientific results in simple language that stakeholders can understand.
Dissemination of project results will be targeted using various methods (policy briefs, technical briefs, fact sheets in local language, training courses, focus group discussions and stakeholder workshops) where attempts will be made to deliver scientific results in simple language that stakeholders can understand. Such methods have been used in earlier projects shown to be successful. Innovation in this project will stem from the active engagement of scientists, policy makers and the public – the latter including both stakeholders, farmers, women/water users – into different (but comparable) case studies of participatory scenario-building. This will facilitate to develop and analyze alternative scenarios concerning the impacts of climate change on rice production in the selected areas and develop policies to avoid or mitigate these impacts. VAAS with its mandates on providing comprehensive vision, strategic direction and oversight of research and development programs will ensure to bring the project results to the upper level authorities in time. Also, with its advantages of networks diversity in terms of its research and extension agencies, its long time partnerships with relevant authorities, and especially, local ones, the dissemination of project results would be secured to reach the end-users in the right manner.
Brochures and other documents concerning ClimaViet
Deliverable 1.1: Climate Scenarios and impacts on rice production
Technical briefs
Alternative rice cropping systems tolerant to salinity under climate change in Vietnam (April, 2015)
Sea Level Rise in the Mekong and Red River deltas of Vietnam (September, 2014)