New guide on feeding reindeer
Photo: Tom Lifjell
From nature’s perspective, reindeer have adapted to cope with periods of food scarcity in the winter without it affecting them too much. When grazing land is unavailable, the reindeer have to be fed to ensure they survive and to maintain good animal welfare. In collaboration, NIBIO and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute in Tromsø have published the guide “Feeding reindeer – and food related diseases”.
In recent years reindeer grazing land has been covered in ice and large amounts of snow due to climate change. To prevent potential starvation and animal tragedy, reindeer herds have to be fed much more than before.
If reindeer are exposed to periods of long-term reduction in food intake or starvation, their ability to adapt and benefit from the new feed they have access to is impaired. This is because a lack of food reduces the number of microorganisms in the rumen.
When feeding is resumed it is therefore important to proceed carefully so that the reindeer can gradually get used to the new feed. The most important thing is to resume feeding before the reindeer start to starve.
The guide also discusses different types of feed (hay, silage, low and concentrated feed) and the properties of these. According to NIBIO researchers Svein Morten Eilertsen and Erlend Winje, it is important that the reindeer owners know to assess the quality before buying the feed.
The new feeding guide has also been released in a Northern Sami translation, and has been prepared based on experienced-based knowledge from reindeer owners – supplemented with research-based knowledge of reindeer digestion and their ability to utilise different types of feed. There is also a section on feeding related diseases and health, safety and environment (HSE).

Erlend Winje
Research Station Manager
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 473 29 214 Office Location: Tromsø
Increase knowledge in the reindeer industry about feeding reindeer.
Collaboration: The reindeer industry, Norwegian Veterinary Institute and reindeer researchers from Norway, Sweden and Finland

Erlend Winje
Research Station Manager
Estates and Facilities
(+47) 473 29 214 Office Location: Tromsø