Norwegian carrot - a success story at risk

Photo: Erling Fløistad
Carrot production has nearly doubled in the last 15–20 years. Today, Norwegian carrots are available in grocery stores throughout the year. However, a nematode pest could potentially ruin the entire crop if new measures are not implemented.
Carrot cultivation in Norway has become more specialised and efficient over the past decades. The production currently covers 90 percent of the Norwegian market. However, specialisation has led to monoculture, which has caused an increase in croppests and diseases such as plant-parasitic nematodes.
Farmer Øystein Fredriksen in Arendal specialises in early carrot production. His fields look green and healthy, ready for harvesting, but when the roots emerge, nearly half are damaged by nematodes, preventing them from reaching grocery stores. In the worst fields, the loss is above 50 percent, and increasing annually. He is now a key partner in a new research project led by NIBIO.
"We lack knowledge about the extent and significance of harmful nematodes in carrots. The intensive production with increasing monoculture needs to be further investigated," says Dr Solveig Haukeland at NIBIO.
The main nematode species (Meloidogyne spp.) that causes damage to carrots have many host plants and are difficult to manage. There are no available pesticides, and the effectiveness of other measures is poorly documented in Norway.
Some products such as biochar, chicken manure, and chitin-rich substances that have shown promising results abroad will now be tested under Norwegian conditions. Additionally, little research has been done on the mechanisms behind nematode infection.
"We will examine the interaction between plants, nematodes, and other organisms in the soil, aiming to understand what happens in the root zone of plants with and without nematode attacks."
The farmer in Arendal is not alone in struggling with nematodes. Therefore, the project will also assess the extent of nematode damage to carrots accross the country.

Mapping and gathering new knowledge to manage nematode pests in carrots
Collaboration: Gartnerhallen Sa, Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service, Soil Steam International AS, Grønn gjødsel AS, Borregaard AS, Scanship AS, Aarhus University (DK), Norgro, and Grofondet
Funding: The Research Council of Norway